Earrings from an old handbag

There is never too much jewelry, every woman will agree with this. However, sometimes it is not possible to acquire more and more of them. And you can’t please us: either the size is too small, or you want something that would ideally match your eye color, dress, or general wardrobe. If you are familiar with this problem, take some time to craft. For example, below we will tell you how to easily and quickly make stylish vintage earrings from scrap materials.

What will be useful:
- old handbag;
- needle and thread;
- two types of scissors;
- round nose pliers (if any);
-ready-made rings and earrings for earrings, which can be bought at a hardware store.

earrings from an old handbag

The whole process will take approximately half an hour.
1. First of all, we look for an old shabby handbag in our home closets, which we would hate to throw away, but have nowhere to put it. It should be made of more or less durable material. In this case, leatherette was used. Cut out a piece of approximately 10x10 cm. Tip: choose the smoothest surface on the bag, preferably not at the fold.

earrings from an old handbag

2. Cut out two rectangles from the extracted raw materials. The approximate size is 5x4 cm. It all depends on your imagination and appearance.It is advisable to select small jewelry to suit small facial features, and vice versa.

earrings from an old handbag

3. Fold each rectangle to form a bow. It will be beautiful if on the intended outer side of the earrings only the middle “wave” is convex, as in the photo. First, fold the pieces in half, and then fold the edges up.

earrings from an old handbag

4. Fix the shape of the bow using threads of any color (we will cover the attachment point).

earrings from an old handbag

earrings from an old handbag

5. From the remaining piece of the bag, cut out thin strips about 2 cm long. If the material does not stretch, make them longer. Then carefully apply the blanks to the centers of the bows. Here we take threads of a suitable color and use a couple of stitches to fasten the stripes on the back side of the future earrings. Now they take on a more complete cute look.

earrings from an old handbag

earrings from an old handbag

earrings from an old handbag

6. And here’s where the fun begins: the blanks turn into real jewelry. Ready-made fittings can be bought in specialized stores or even made at home by giving copper wire the desired shape. However, if you are not satisfied with these options, use the following secret. Every woman has a couple of pieces of jewelry at home that were bought in a fit of emotion and are now worn extremely rarely. Why not give them a new life by simply removing the necessary parts for your crafts?

earrings from an old handbag

7. Using pliers (nails, teeth, or whatever else you have at hand), separate the rings halfway.

earrings from an old handbag

8. Now we thread them into the ribbons on the earrings, as in the photo. Do this very carefully so as not to pierce the material. Then, using a tool (regular pliers will also work here), squeeze the ring tightly. We hide the fold under the tape. We thread a shvenza into the ring.

earrings from an old handbag

earrings from an old handbag

Ready! Wear your new earrings with matching casual or ethnic outfits. Earrings made of leather or faux leather look beautiful with jeans or summer dresses. They will be appropriate for a romantic date or a shopping trip.

earrings from an old handbag

earrings from an old handbag
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