DIY book

A book has always been considered a good gift. Nowadays it is not only present, but also a serious waste of money. However, as with many other things, you can save money here. After all, the book is very easy to make with your own hands. Fast, simple, without material investments. In addition to saving money, such a craft can not only be a pleasant surprise, but also preserve family stories, memorable photographs, memories of the past and much more. A little patience - and the exclusive book version will become a source of pride for your archive.
Materials for work:
  • text printout – up to 30 sheets;
  • photo paper – 1 sheet;
  • PVA glue – 1 pencil;
  • gold paint, scissors, brush.
  • Stages of work:
  • First stage: preparing the base.

In a text editor we type the required text for A4 format. For the convenience of cutting into a smaller format, you can place the text in a table (line 1, columns 2). If the book is half the size of an A4 sheet, then in the “print” editor select “scale” - “number of pages per sheet” - “2 pages”. We print the entire volume of the future book (printing should be one-sided). Trim off excess edges.
DIY book

Fold each sheet in half with the text inside. We arrange the pages in order.
DIY book

DIY book

Second stage: gluing the base.
Apply glue to each back side of a leaf folded in half.
DIY book

We apply the front side of the next folded leaf to the adhesive surface, press it, and smooth it thoroughly.
DIY book

It turns out to be a spread of a future book.
DIY book

DIY book

DIY book

We repeat the steps: apply glue to the back of the already glued sheets, apply the next sheet, press, smooth. So we glue all the leaves folded in half.
DIY book

DIY book

Third stage: drying.
We wrap the resulting gluing with a sheet of paper so that it covers the junction of the sheets, but does not touch it.
DIY book

Place the glue under the press for 8-12 hours (depending on the thickness of the book).
DIY book

Fourth stage: imitation of binding.
Cut a strip three times the width of the binding and the length of the height of the book.
DIY book

Glue the cut strip to the joint of the glued pages, wrapping it around it.
DIY book

DIY book

Fifth stage: imitation of the printed version of the pages.
We apply “golden” paint to the pages. Before applying each next brush stroke, carefully press the book to the table (to prevent painting the inner edge of the pages).
DIY book

DIY book

DIY book

Stage six: form the crust.
We print the desired cover blank on photo paper. Important: the size of the cover along the height of the book must match the prepared gluing, but the width must be printed taking into account the height of the binding.
DIY book

Cut off the excess.
DIY book

Using a ruler, bend the binding, first outward, then inward.
DIY book

Repeat on the other side of the binding.
DIY book

It turns out this is the figure.
DIY book

Seventh stage: connecting the cover and gluing.
Apply glue to the book blank from the outside and inside of the gluing side.
DIY book

Carefully place the glue into the cover, press and smooth it out.
DIY book

That's all.The work is finished, and the individual book copy is ready to share personal information!
DIY book

DIY book

DIY book

DIY book

DIY book
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