Commemorative album in soft cover

In the modern world, people are paying more and more attention not so much to the variety of products as to their exclusivity. For many presentmade with your own hands is much more desirable than something bought in a store. This gift could be, for example, a scrapbooking-style memorial album. The originality of the pages and the uniqueness of the internal content will undoubtedly be appreciated. A soft binding, easily made from scrap materials, will help preserve the information embedded in the album for centuries.

Materials for work:
  • A3 paper – 20 sheets;
  • Napkins of different designs – 30 pieces;
  • Food film – 1 roll;
  • Medical bandage – 2 pieces;
  • Liquid PVA glue (construction) – 0.5 cups;
  • PVA glue pencil – 1 piece;
  • Wide satin ribbon – 0.5 m;
  • Super glue – 1 tube;
  • Thick wallpaper measuring 0.4 x 0.5 m - 2 pieces;
  • Postcard – 1 piece;
  • Curly scissors, paper cutting knife, brush.

Stages of work:
First stage: making scrapbooking pages.
We reduce A3 sheets by cutting off excess along the top and sides. It turns out to be a square, slightly larger than an A4 sheet.
scrapbooking album

scrapbooking album

We take three-layer napkins with different patterns and cling film.
scrapbooking album

On a flat surface, combine the 2 sheets so that the joints do not overlap each other.
scrapbooking album

Roll out cling film over the sheets.
scrapbooking album

We separate the excess layers from the napkin and place it on top of the film. We make a small indent from the edge to form a fold in the pages.
scrapbooking album

Carefully and thoroughly iron the napkin, trying not to touch the film on the right edge of the napkin.
scrapbooking album

We form the bend of the sheet.
scrapbooking album

Move the resulting gluing to the left. Next to the already glued second sheet of paper, place the third sheet end-to-end. We unwind the film to the right, covering the third sheet with it. Place a second napkin (of a different color) on top. Iron it with an iron.
scrapbooking album

We form the fold of the first sheet of the album.
scrapbooking album

We form the fold of the second sheet of the album.
scrapbooking album

scrapbooking album

We drag the gluing to the left side of the table. Place another sheet of paper under the film rolled out to the right, smooth the film, and place a new napkin on it. Smooth it with an iron.
scrapbooking album

We make a bend again, we get another sheet of the album.
scrapbooking album

Thus, repeating the steps, we make the required number of landscape sheets.
scrapbooking album

scrapbooking album

Second stage: making the binding.
To form the binding we take PVA and bandages.
scrapbooking album

All album pages have a white interior. Apply glue to the first inner part.
scrapbooking album

We lay a piece of bandage along the edge where the pages are folded, leaving part of it for work.
scrapbooking album

Apply a thin layer of liquid PVA to the bandage.
scrapbooking album

Turn the page over and fold the bandage over the turned page. We apply glue to it, connect the pages, and smooth them out.
scrapbooking album

We repeat all steps until the end of the album. We put an additional piece of bandage on top of the last page and glue it.
scrapbooking album

Place a piece of paper in the place where the sticker is placed.
scrapbooking album

We are turning the album over. Carefully coat the entire binding with PVA.
scrapbooking album

We bend the bandage, covering the entire binding.
scrapbooking album

Coat the bandage with liquid glue.
scrapbooking album

We wrap a piece of paper placed over the binding in a bandage moistened with glue.
scrapbooking album

We put the album under the press. We dry it for a day.
scrapbooking album

Third stage: creating the cover.
We cut off the uneven edges of the album.
scrapbooking album

Cut the satin ribbon to a length corresponding to the length of the album binding.
scrapbooking album

To avoid fraying, burn the edges of the tape.
scrapbooking album

We cut thick wallpaper to the size of the album.
scrapbooking album

On the left side of the edge of the wallpaper we glue the edge of a satin ribbon, soaking it with superglue.
scrapbooking album

We similarly attach the second piece of wallpaper to the other side of the tape.
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The result was a cover binding.
scrapbooking album

Apply glue to one side of the album.
scrapbooking album

Smooth out thoroughly.
scrapbooking album

We also glue the other side of the cover to the album. It turned out to be a soft cover.
scrapbooking album

scrapbooking album

Using shaped scissors, we cut out irregular shapes from colored paper (on which the desired text is already printed). Glue them to the front of the cover.
scrapbooking album

Add some liveliness by cutting out colored pictures from the postcard.
scrapbooking album

Stage four: making the album meaningful.
We paste certificates and diplomas inside the album.
scrapbooking album

Adding photos.
scrapbooking album

If such an album will keep your family secrets, you can add text content to the photos. For example, biographies or memoirs.
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