DIY cookbook

In today's Master Class I would like to tell and show you how to make a cookbook with your own hands. Making it will not take you much time and will bring you a lot of positive emotions. This book is very convenient to use, does not take up much space, and can always be at hand. In the article you will find a detailed description and diagram for making the book.

To make a cookbook, you will need the following materials:
  • Scissors.
  • Cardboard.
  • Lettering for decoration.
  • Textile.
  • Satin ribbon about 20 cm.
  • Hot glue gun with transparent glue.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scrap paper or any other thick paper.

DIY cookbook

Let's start making a cookbook using technology scrapbooking.
First, cut two pieces of cardboard of the size we need. You can, like me, measure a rectangle with dimensions of 17cm by 7cm.
DIY cookbook

Next, cut small pieces of fabric and cover the cardboard. It is best to use PVA glue for this as it does not leave marks.
DIY cookbook

Then we begin to create the book itself. Place one lid on top of the other and see how they are positioned.Cut out a small piece of fabric about 5 cm by 2 cm.
DIY cookbook

Turn the lids over and secure them with glue and a piece of fabric. In the future, we will hide all the irregularities inside the book.
DIY cookbook

After that we decorate the book. We glue several inscriptions printed on a regular printer. I wish they could be tinted.
DIY cookbook

DIY cookbook

You can glue a funny poem to the back cover.
DIY cookbook

From thick paper, I took paper from a candy box, cut out two slightly smaller rectangles and glued them inside the book.
DIY cookbook

You can put your old, favorite recipes in this book or print a template on a printer and write out new delicious and interesting recipes there.
DIY cookbook

A white satin ribbon is also attached to the book so that the notes do not fall out.
DIY cookbook

DIY cookbook

This is the kind of creative and useful book you should get. You can use it yourself, or you can also give it to a loved one who loves to cook.
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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