How to repair a hole in an interior door

How to repair a hole in an interior door

Hollow interior doors require more careful handling, due to their lightweight design, compared to solid ones. Well, if you didn’t protect such a door from being hit, say, when you moved it furniture, then a good dent or even a hole will certainly appear in it. Of course, you can buy a new one, they are not that expensive, but in any case it is much cheaper to fix it yourself.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Repair of a hollow door with restoration of the pattern

So, all repairs and restoration of a hollow door can be divided into five main stages:
  1. Filling the voids under the dent with polyurethane foam to give strength to the area for further processing.
  2. Surface putty.
  3. Making a stencil with the original design of a tree.
  4. Restoring the pattern on the door surface.
  5. Painting.

So, we remove the door from its hinges. Place it on stools or another flat surface, with the damaged part facing up.

Filling the voids with polyurethane foam

To fix the dent and fill the holes, we will use universal mounting foam, which is used in construction and repair.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

If the hole does not have open cracks or holes, then you need to make them yourself, using a drill and a screwdriver.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Take the diameter of the drill slightly larger than the tube of the foam bottle.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Filling the space under the crack.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Let the foam harden. This usually takes a day.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

After hardening, cut off the foam sticking out of the holes and cracks flush.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We sand, removing paint from the area to be restored, making it smooth and even.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We putty the surface

When the surface is prepared, we move on to the putty, having previously primed the application area.
There are special requirements for the putty; it must be epoxy-based so that the surface being restored is durable. It’s not difficult to buy or prepare it yourself.
We use a rubber spatula.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We putty, filling all the unevenness and potholes.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

How to repair a hole in an interior door

It may be necessary to apply several coats to achieve the desired result.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We leave it to dry and move on to the next stage.

Making a mold with a pattern

We find on the same door an area of ​​similar size with a good texture of the pattern.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We gnaw it with slats.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

And in order to secure everything and seal a kind of bath, we coat it with plasticine, clay or other plastic material.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Pour liquid rubber (or silicone rubber) into the resulting bath. Please note that the door must lie very level.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Distribute evenly over all surfaces. It is not necessary to make a very thick layer, about 5-7 mm.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Leave and wait for it to harden. The time can be found in the instructions for use.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

When the time has come, remove the sides and peel off the layer from the door.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

The result should be a clear shape on a piece of rubber.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Restoring the wood grain on the door

We make a border, about a millimeter thick, around the damaged area.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We take epoxy-based glue and mix the components. Apply the required amount to the area inside the frame.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

We put the pattern protector on top and roll it a little with a foam balloon.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Remove excess glue with a brush.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Press the stencil against the door and leave to dry.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

How to repair a hole in an interior door

Once the glue dries, peel off the stencil.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

The surface is almost ready.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Painting an interior door

At the end of the job, you need to paint the entire door. The paint will smooth out minor irregularities and transitions.
How to repair a hole in an interior door

Original article in English
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Comments (1)
  1. Door glue
    #1 Door glue Guests January 7, 2019 07:19
    So many problems! Isn't it cheaper to change the door leaf and that's it?