Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

To obtain fresh water suitable for drinking from salt water, you do not need anything scarce, including the principle. We use the classic approach: boiling seawater and condensing water vapor.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

Will need

To assemble the desalination plant we will need the following materials and products:
  • extended stainless steel container with lid;
  • copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • lead-free solder and flux;
  • copper elbow fitting with nuts;
  • fire source;
  • a towel or bowl of water.

To work on a desalination plant you will need a gas torch, a drilling machine, sandpaper, a hammer and wrenches.

Desalination plant assembly process

Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

Temporarily remove the gasket from the container lid so as not to damage it when soldering the tubes.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

Using a drilling machine, we make a through hole with a diameter of 6 mm in the center of the lid.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

Nearby we make a hole 2 mm in diameter - a pressure limit valve.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

We process the holes in the lid and a piece of copper tube with sandpaper. This is necessary to ensure reliable soldering of these parts.
We insert the copper tube into the hole in the lid and immerse it with light blows of a hammer until it comes out of the hole in the bottom.The tube should protrude 12-15 mm from each side of the lid.
We wrap a piece of solder around the copper tube in a ring at the points of contact with the surface of the lid, apply flux, and heat it with the flame of a gas burner.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

The small hole is also sealed with a thin layer of solder.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

After soldering is completed, return the gasket to its place.
We put a copper corner fitting on the tube and use keys to secure it there. We unscrew the nut from the second end of the fitting, remove the piece of tube, and close the hole in the nut with a circle of rubber.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

From a copper tube, using a container as a mandrel, we wind a cooling coil, making 6-8 turns around it. We bend the ends of the tube in opposite directions in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the coil.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

We remove the coil from the container and insert one end into the hole in the nut of the copper angle flange fixed to the tube in the lid of the stainless steel container. In principle, the desalination plant is ready for operation.
We hang the container with the coil by the lid of the lid to the hook and pour salt water into it.
Test on a tile, traces of salt remain after evaporation:
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

We place a fire source under the bottom of the container and heat the water. After it boils, steam will begin to escape from the coil, and drops of desalinated water will collect in a container installed under the end of the tube.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

For a greater yield of fresh water, we increase the condensation of steam in the coil by wrapping it in a towel soaked in cold water. But it is better to immerse the lower part of the coil in a bowl of cold water.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

After accumulating a certain volume of fresh water in the collection container, lower the end of the coil into the water. Then steam condensation will occur in the water column, and irreversible losses will disappear.
But with this method of desalination, there are no impurities left in the water, which is not very good for humans.To improve the organoleptic properties of water, add a few drops of brine from the container with the salt residue. The water will immediately taste better and, more importantly, be healthier.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

And you can make sure that there are no salts left in the desalinated water by splashing some water on a hot electric stove. After it evaporates, there will be no traces of salt left on the tile.
Do-it-yourself camping desalination maker

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Comments (2)
  1. Nikolaich
    #1 Nikolaich Guests November 9, 2019 09:12
    From time immemorial, moonshine has been distilled in Rus' this way.
    1. Guest Evgeniy
      #2 Guest Evgeniy Guests January 22, 2020 01:02
      And now they are trying their best...