Interior door decoration

Almost every person has had moments in life when the home interior becomes boring and joyless, and there is a desire to change or redo something. Women begin to rearrange furniture and paintings, insert new photographs into frames, and so on. Men, for the most part, rarely burden themselves with anything labor-intensive; most often, everything is limited to fully opening the curtains on the windows, well, that’s basically all. But in vain, because if you have a little free time, you can create something beautiful and individual, and most importantly, with your own hands. For example, decorate an ordinary interior or front door...
To do this you will need: wide masking tape, a pencil, a knife or razor, aerosol paint in a can and a little imagination.

First, the surface of the door needs to be covered with masking tape. Each subsequent strip should overlap slightly with the previous one; un-glued areas are not allowed.

Then you should take a pencil and apply the selected design, since there are a lot of options! It may be a big heart (in present soulmate), Chinese characters, Egyptian ornaments, animals or flowers, in general, whatever your heart desires. (The photo below is a sketch of an old tree).

After this, you need to cut out the image strictly along the contours, using a knife or razor (very carefully so as not to cut yourself) and remove excess tape. The result should be a kind of stencil.

Now it's time to take out the aerosol. It is better than paint (in this situation) because it dries faster and lies more evenly on the surface, without leaving streaks. Before application, shake the can thoroughly (2-3 minutes) and only then use it.
The choice of color is always up to the performer, since tastes and preferences vary greatly. In addition, a lot depends on the color of the door itself; if it is brown, you should choose a shade that will not blend in with it.
The final stage has arrived, the drying time has passed (1-2 hours), the door is painted and ready to remove the tape.

As a result, you get an unusual and very original drawing that will delight everyone around you with its beauty and uniqueness.

That's all done.

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Comments (1)
  1. Rinat
    #1 Rinat Guests August 8, 2017 09:39
    This is not for everyone. If it’s a good, high-quality door, why paint something on it? There is also no need for unnecessary things in the interior; my wife would definitely not approve of such an idea.