Recipe book decoration

We decorate a cookbook or recipe book, which every housewife probably has. It’s not convenient to keep dozens of recipes in your head and it’s impossible to remember everything, so if you still don’t have this simple attribute of your kitchen, we recommend that you get one immediately.

Necessary materials:
1. Notebook with a plain matte cover.
2. Stationery glue.
3. White enamel and clear varnish.
4. Coffee beans.
5. Cinnamon stick.
6. Bay leaves.
7. Scissors, pencil, sheet of paper.

The surface of the notebook should be such that grains can be glued there: not particularly embossed, suitable in color and not glossy. If you use Moment glue, you can, of course, forget about all the conventions, but this option is also fraught with consequences.

Recipe book decoration

First you need to draw a layout of the future pattern and outline its location. The crown of the tree should occupy about 30% of the cover area, but not strictly in the upper half, but slightly lower. In this example, it turned out that the length of the tree trunk is equal to the diameter of its crown, but other options are possible.

After the layout is completely transferred to the surface of the notebook, it’s time to pour a thin layer of glue and place the grains.This is a pleasant and short-lived job. The main thing is not to lose the border between the halves of the yin and yang symbol, so that later they can be covered with white enamel. By the way, it is not at all necessary to wait until the glue dries, since light movements of the brush do not disturb the coffee beans at all.

The simplest thing left is to glue a cinnamon stick and laurel leaves. The latter behave very harmfully, so you need to press them down with a heavy book.

At the end, the work is coated with transparent varnish if desired. It turns out to be a creative recipe book that is perfect for a gift. Inside you can bring a couple of your own secrets of preparing delicious treats.

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