Decorating a jar for cereals

If you want to decorate jars for bulk products or cereals, it won’t take much time. You can use any containers: glass or metal, as long as they open easily. I had a huge amount of baby food jars left over, which I decided to decorate and use to store cereals. For work you will need: PVA glue, scissors, quick-hardening white paint (sold in cans), magazine clippings with images of dishes, varnish (in a can) and the container itself that we will decorate.

Decorating a jar for cereals

1. Wash the jar well and wipe it dry.
2. Using a spray can, apply the first layer of white paint. We wait for the surface to dry and apply the second layer. This procedure is necessary so that the original image located on the can does not show through through the pictures we have pasted. If the surface of the container you have chosen is plain, light, without any patterns, then you can skip this step.

3. Cut out the types of dishes you like from the magazine. You can choose themed pictures for each jar. For example: to store buckwheat, you can cut out images of dishes using this grain.

4. Lubricate the surface of the jar well with PVA glue and glue the cut out pictures one by one. First we glue the large pictures, then the small ones. It is very important to smooth the image well during gluing to remove all air bubbles. Then the pasted picture will look good.
5. Wait for the jar to dry completely.

6. Open the surface of the jar with varnish. We do this in two stages. Let the varnish dry between them. We do this procedure very carefully so that the varnish does not get on the inner surface of the dishes and does not come into contact with the products in the future. If you doubt your “accuracy,” then simply fill the jar with newspapers, and after opening the container, you can remove them with varnish.

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Comments (3)
  1. Asya
    #1 Asya Guests December 2, 2014 20:41
    It turned out very cool, well done :)!!!
  2. Vyacheslav
    #2 Vyacheslav Guests March 11, 2018 11:06
    A very shy author: you can COAT with varnish and not open it!
  3. Vyacheslav
    #3 Vyacheslav Guests March 11, 2018 11:07
    Cover, not open.