Elegant jars for the kitchen

Each housewife solves the problem of storing cereals in the kitchen in her own way. Some people use special dishes that can be bought in a store, others, without bothering, use glass or tin jars, for example, from coffee or canned goods. And some even store cereals in bags. But you really want the kitchen to be not only comfortable and functional, but also beautiful, unusual and even elegant.
I want to share with you the secret of making beautiful jars for cereals with minimal expenditure of money. Any container in which you usually store supplies will work as a base. Even a glass jar will become attractive and interesting after we work on it.
For work we will need:
- base (bank);
- fabric (I used gray canvas, but burlap would look great);
- leg-split;
- printing on a laser printer the names of cereals (you can find them on the Internet, or you can write and decorate the inscription yourself);
- file;
- scotch;
- PVA glue;
- double sided tape;
- acrylic lacquer.

Before you start working, you need to print out a picture on regular office paper with the name of the cereal that will be stored in this container.However, it will be a bit thick for our work, since we want to convey the texture of the fabric, and therefore it needs to be layered. We will do this using the most affordable method. For this we need tape.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

On the back side of the printout (white side) we overlap wide adhesive tape over the entire surface. Smooth it with pressure using a spatula (I used an unnecessary plastic card) to get rid of any air bubbles that might have gotten under the tape.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

Now carefully remove the tape from the corner. It comes off along with the top layer of paper. What remains is a thin, almost napkin-like, picture.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

Let's move on to preparing the fabric. Having measured the circumference and height of the base (can), cut out a piece of fabric.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

It is advisable to fray the top and bottom edges a little.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

At a distance of 1 cm from the edge, sew with a “needle forward” stitch with twine.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

Elegant jars for the kitchen

Next, let's start working with the image. We put it in the water and let it get wet a little (you shouldn’t keep it in the water for a long time, otherwise the picture will become limp and begin to tear right in your hands).
Elegant jars for the kitchen

We take it out of the water and place it on the file with the printed image down.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

We remove excess moisture with a napkin and straighten the image exactly according to the file. We do this with extreme caution, because wet paper is very easy to damage. Cover with a layer of glue.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

We attach the file with the picture to the fabric and use a spatula (or a plastic card) to smooth the surface with pressure. And only then carefully removes the file.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

Let it dry. Then, using double-sided tape, glue the fabric to one side of the can. We make a seam, it can be very diverse. I made a cross.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

Now we cover it all with a layer of acrylic varnish and enjoy the work.
Elegant jars for the kitchen

One little tip: if the jars are transparent, it would be better to paint them with white paint first.You can use acrylic or water-based. Then all your jars will be exactly the same. And, of course, use your imagination and you will definitely succeed.
Good luck!
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