An unexpected way to grow potatoes in bags. Without a plot and even on the balcony

Growing potatoes in bags is a fairly simple and entertaining hobby. This method does not require a plot of land, and you can even grow crops on the balcony. The process is interesting and not complicated. One tuber yields more than 1 kg. potatoes.

We talk about the technology of growing potatoes in fabric bags. Prepare a place for the harvest in advance!


  • big bags (fabric bags);
  • Earth;
  • potato tubers;
  • trowel;
  • scissors.

Growing potatoes in bags:

Fold the edges of the bags a little and fill them halfway with soil.

Make a hole in the center of each bag and place one potato tuber. Sprinkle soil on top.

Using scissors, make punctures in the sides of the bags about 15 cm apart. Water the soil in bags periodically. You can use dead wood as fertilizer - spread it on the ground in bags.

After 10 days, the potatoes will grow approximately 10-15 cm in height. Continue to care for the plants, and after a month add additional fertilizer.

When the potato plants reach a height of 40-50 cm, they need to be fenced.The structure can be made from wooden cuttings and sticks. Secure them around the plants using ropes.

Potato tubers can be dug up three months after planting in the ground. By this time, the top of the plants will become dry and limp. Gently pull on the stem of the plant and lift the potato out of the ground.

All that remains is to sort through the potatoes: clean them of any remaining roots and soil. In this incredibly simple way you can grow up to 1 kg. potatoes from one bag.

Watch the video

Watch a detailed video on growing potatoes in bags.

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