How to grow potatoes in tires and how effective it is

Potato beds can be made from old tires. Simply lay 2 tires on top of each other and fill them with nutritious soil. Potatoes growing in such conditions produce a higher yield than with conventional planting.

What you will need:

  • tires – 2 pcs.;
  • compost;
  • planting potatoes.

The process of assembling a bed and growing potatoes

The bed consists of 2 car tires stacked on top of each other. You can place it on any sunny spot on the site, even on a lawn or concrete. It is filled with mature compost and 2 potatoes are planted inside.

Due to the fact that the tires are above the ground, and are also black, the tubers heat up well in the sun. They begin to grow faster compared to potatoes in regular soil. Nutritious compost has everything you need, so there's no need to fertilize your potatoes. Watering once every 1-2 weeks is sufficient. Maintenance is extremely simple, since hilling is not required at all, and weeding is minimal.

Potato tops grow very tall and remain green longer than those of bushes growing in ordinary soil. As a result, 28 large potatoes were collected from the experimental ridge.

The yield was 1:14, which is much higher than with traditional cultivation. This method will be very popular with summer residents who do not plant potatoes at all. You can start a couple of such beds, which is very simple, and in the second half of summer you can prepare your own young potatoes without pesticides.

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How to use car tires in the garden with great benefit -

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