Automatic do-it-yourself hood

Greetings, dear friends!
Today I will tell you about my next homemade product. This is a hood with automatic control. No, of course, I didn’t make the hood itself - I bought a ready-made one, but I organized the automatic switching on the basis of ready-made electronic modules.
Automatic do-it-yourself hood

The hood turns on and off automatically when there is fire on the stove. The entire on and off temperature is very easy to adjust, so you can choose any sensitivity, which is very convenient.
The control unit is assembled in a purchased housing. The sensor is located in the middle of the exhaust grid to control heating. The case contains a 12 V power supply and a thermostat, which I configured to turn on the relay when the temperature is above 29 degrees Celsius and turn it off when the temperature drops below 28 degrees. You can see the operation of the automatic hood in the view below. That's all. All links to purchase items are below the video.

Thermostat -
Power supply 12 V -
Case as in the video -
Housing for the unit separately -

Thank you for watching!

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests 21 February 2018 15:46
    Good afternoon !

    Can you tell us more about the further signal from the thermal relay unit? As I understand it, there is also a 220 volt relay that is controlled by 12 V from this thermal relay.