Garden. Page 18

Master classes:

How to make a grill from a gas cylinder in just 2 hours

A brazier made from a propane cylinder is almost eternal. Due to the quality and thickness of the metal, it does not burn out and lasts for decades. You can cook such a grill in different ways. If you want to get a simple and reliable design without frills, spending on it

Iodine solution against late blight of tomatoes

To obtain stable tomato yields in open beds and greenhouses, it is not enough to plant strong seedlings, organize watering and regularly apply organomineral fertilizers. Often, the ripening of tomatoes is hindered by distribution in plantings.

How to make a hand cultivator from a car spring

Many gardeners have seen or even managed to use the Tornado hand cultivator. This is a rather unusual garden device for loosening the soil and fighting weeds with a deep root system. The device is useful, but not that much

How to quickly and cheaply make a garden watering can from unnecessary trash

A garden watering can is used to water tree seedlings and garden plants with minimal water consumption.Thanks to the long spout, it is convenient to add water directly under the stems without spilling it between the rows. You can make such a watering can from plastic

Folk remedies in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle that have proven their effectiveness

One of the worst pests of nightshade crops is the Colorado potato beetle. Its adults and larvae feed on succulent shoots of mature bushes, destroying the tops of cultivated plants and preventing the ripening of the crop. Maximum harm quickly

How to make compost worms work for you. Making a vermicomposter from PVC pipes

Experienced gardeners and gardeners know how beneficial compost worms such as Californian ones are for the soil. They make vermicompost, on which plants grow very well and quickly without the use of commercial fertilizers. Traditionally, compost pits are built for

We make a simple LED garden lamp from PVC pipes

To fully illuminate garden plants, paths and gazebos, you need at least a dozen lamps. Although they are inexpensive, buying them in large quantities is not cheap. To save a lot of money, you can do the necessary

Useful uses for tin cans: how to make a mini oven for outdoor cooking

To cook outdoors, you can make a portable wood stove. It is installed on a table in the garden or in a gazebo, where cooking in the summer is much more pleasant than in the kitchen. This wood stove is very economical. She will help out more than once

How to clean carbon deposits from a grill grate without extra effort

The season for barbecue and outdoor recreation has long begun. For obvious reasons, this year going out to relax in nature is quite a troublesome task. However, some townspeople moved outside the city to their dachas early in the spring. And this is where it begins

How to make good use of ash after a fire at your summer cottage?

Experienced summer residents, burning plant debris and organic residues throughout the spring and summer, carefully store the resulting ashes. Such a valuable product has no expiration date and retains the entire range of useful elements when stored in a dry place.

How to make a water tank from an old tire

A worn-out tire can be used to make an airtight water container. This could be a washing basin, a sediment collection tank, a drinking bowl for animals, a pool for children or waterfowl. Scope of use of such capacity

Blossom rot of vegetables: simple feeding for prevention and treatment

A non-infectious disease, blossom end rot of the fruits of some vegetable crops often frightens novice gardeners. Under unfavorable circumstances, brown and brown spots characteristic of pathology can form over most of the

Foliar feeding of tomatoes with boric acid to increase crop yield

Experienced gardeners know that, starting from the moment of flowering, tomatoes consume large amounts of microelements from the soil. In particular, plants vitally need boron, which is responsible for the fruiting processes that actively occur in the middle of the growing season.

Making a garden chair from old tires

Used car tires can be put to good use by making a beautiful, comfortable garden chair. It's quite difficult, but the result is worth it. A homemade chair can be safely left outside in any season, which cannot be said about wooden ones.

Personal experience of forcing garlic onto greens in a month

A mini garden on the windowsill, in which various leafy vegetables are successfully grown, is not only an exciting hobby. Fragrant greenery, growing on a kitchen or balcony window sill and located within walking distance, allows you to significantly

How to make a compact grill from a freon cylinder

I admit right away: this idea is not new, and I do not encroach on its authorship. But articles, videos, even entire master classes on this topic had one significant drawback: the completeness of the information. They were all scanty, gnawed and incomplete, from the opera “here

How to make a garden watering can from a canister and cutting a pipe

When manually watering plants, it is convenient to use a garden watering can for accurate and comfortable dosing of water. It allows you to do targeted watering at the root, practically without eroding the soil or flooding the leaves. If there is any unnecessary

How to make reinforced concrete pillars for garden and household needs

Reinforced concrete posts are used for staking grapes, raspberries and other plants. If you have a large garden, you need quite a lot of them, so it is more profitable to make posts yourself than to buy them.

Fertilizing available to everyone for protection and a large harvest of cucumbers

Regardless of whether you grow cucumbers in open ground or in closed structures, the yield of the crop directly depends on the timing of fruiting of the bushes. In the active fruiting phase, on each cucumber vine simultaneously

Free fertilizer that will increase the yield and sugar content of tomatoes and other vegetables

Water extracts from onion peels have been used in the garden for decades. This natural and practically free remedy is held in special esteem by fans of organic farming, who fundamentally do not use synthetic preparations

Three proven dressings of garlic in spring and summer for high yields

A high and stable yield of garlic - the favorite spicy vegetable of all housewives - is obtained by gardeners in the middle zone who wisely use organic and mineral fertilizers for the crop not only when preparing the soil for sowing plants, but also during

Four effective techniques to increase potato yields

Potatoes grown in your own summer cottage are always tastier and healthier than those purchased in a supermarket, especially if pesticides and synthetic fertilizers were not used during cultivation. Therefore, many gardeners annually set aside

How to make a self-sharpening hoe

Purchased factory hoes lose their sharpness during operation, so they need to be sharpened periodically. It's not too difficult, but it's much easier when the hoe sharpens itself and doesn't require any attention at all. You can make such a tool from

The brush cutter won't start? Eliminating the most common cause

Chinese lawn mowers are a headache for the owner, but still you can’t live without them. The main problem is the difficulty of starting after a long period of inactivity. If in the fall the brush cutter worked like a charm, but in the spring it does not start, then most likely you need to disassemble the carburetor and