A new way to grow potatoes without weeding and hilling

Many summer residents refuse to grow potatoes, as they require constant care. You not only need to plant it and then harvest it, but in the process you also have to carry out hilling and fight weeds. This planting method will minimize work on the beds. If you don’t have much time to spend on your garden, then you will like this method.

What you will need:

  • Planting sprouted potatoes;
  • bulb planter;
  • black polyethylene film.

Potato planting process

Planting material must be prepared in advance. Potatoes are sprouted.

If the tubers are large, they can be cut in half. The cut site is covered with ash.

In this case, you need to plant with the eyes up and the cut down.

Planting is done in high beds. The width between the rows is done as with traditional planting for the selected potato variety. You just need to build high beds. They are prepared in advance, watered generously, and then covered with black plastic wrap. It also fits into the spans between the rows. At the joints it should be sprinkled with soil.

To plant, you need to pierce the film on the beds with a bulb planter.

Potatoes are placed in the holes and sprinkled with soil on top. The depth of the holes is 6-8 cm.

When potatoes planted this way sprout, they do not need to be hilled.

The growing points in the soil do not come into contact with light, so they do not turn green. Only white shoots can produce potatoes. Thus, the plant uses its full productive potential. At the same time, you are not required to fight weeds, since there will be almost none. They do not germinate under the film.

Such potatoes almost do not need watering. Rainwater falling on the leaves will flow to the base of the bush and nourish the roots. At the same time, evaporation from the covered soil is minimal. By planting potatoes using this method, you will reduce care only to treating the Colorado potato beetle. Before harvesting, the tops are pulled out and the film is removed.

The method is most suitable for harvesting young, unripe potatoes. Under the film in the warmth, it will grow to marketable condition faster.

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