Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 191

Master classes:

How to unscrew the base of a broken lamp from the socket

Sometimes something as bad as breaking a light bulb happens. For many people, removing the base from the socket is a real headache.

Metal Induction Heater

An induction heater allows you to heat metal until it turns red without even touching it. The basis of such a heater is a coil in which a high-frequency field is created, which acts on a metal object placed inside. IN

Anvil made from a piece of rail

One of the necessary attributes of a home craftsman is a small anvil. It will be useful to anyone who likes to do everything on their own: often you need to level some piece of iron, which requires a flat and heavy surface on which you can safely

How to solder aluminum

Aluminum is a very attractive metal for constructing your own homemade structures: it is lightweight, perfectly processed, drilled, sawed, does not rust, etc.But here’s the problem: welding two pieces of aluminum without a special argon

DIY folding photo box

A factory-made shadowless photobox is a necessary thing, but quite expensive. For us, far from professional photographers, a homemade lightcube is quite suitable, which can be made from literally anything. Among the most inexpensive and simple

How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

As always, there is not enough time in the morning. Everyone is running and fussing, especially in a large family. To save you precious minutes while preparing breakfast, I'll show you a life hack on how to cook an egg (or several at once) in the microwave in less than a minute.

Simple Class D amplifier

As you know, audio power amplifiers are divided into different classes. Amplifiers operating in class “A” can provide decent music sound quality due to the high quiescent current, but they have extremely low efficiency and consume a lot

Heat exchanger for furnace

The heat exchanger is installed on the chimney of any stove and increases its output and efficiency by more than 2.5 times. This significantly increases fuel economy and reduces warm-up time. The essence of the work is simple: through the stove chimney, in addition to smoke,

Transistor sound amplifier

Transistor amplifiers, despite the advent of more modern microcircuit amplifiers, have not lost their relevance. Getting a microcircuit is sometimes not so easy, but transistors can be removed from almost any electronic device, namely

Plasticine painting

An ordinary painting bought in a store will not surprise anyone. Then why not make a picture with your own hands from plasticine? If you wish, you can even depict your pet in the picture - a dog or a cat! Let's get started!

Speaker protection circuit

The Internet now offers a huge number of different sound amplifiers, for every taste and color, to suit any need. As you know, even the most reliable amplifiers tend to fail, for example, due to improper operating conditions,

How to salt lard

While nutritionists and other experts debate the benefits of salted pork lard, it remains a very popular product among many people around the world. Salted lard is eaten in Italy, Germany, the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Russia. Many myths about the dangers of lard

Making a manicure hand rest

Those who professionally provide manicure services understand how important it is to have a hand rest. This not only increases the prestige of the services, but also makes the manicure process more convenient for both the client and the master. Since lamps are different

Foam varnish for painting concrete floors

Due to numerous requests in the comments to my videos, today I will try to make a composition of polystyrene foam and solvents for application to concrete. I would like to see how it will behave, because car owners are interested in cheap varnish for

How to deliciously and simply fry wild mushrooms

Forest mushrooms are a favorite food product among many peoples.In the summer-autumn period, lovers of quiet hunting flock to forest areas to collect tasty and healthy mushrooms. An easy to prepare but very tasty dish is fried

How to get three phases from one

Hi all! Today I will show you how to get a three-phase network from a regular single-phase 220 V network, and at no particular cost. But first, I’ll tell you about my problem that preceded the search for such a solution. I had a powerful Soviet tabletop circular

Mobile charger

A huge and varied variety of chargers for phones, smartphones and tablets are now literally on every counter. But quite often our expectations do not coincide with reality! For example; getting ready to travel and buying a powerbank for

Red fish is a simple delicacy

What kind of dishes were not prepared in Rus' from the salmon family of fish? Traditional pies, thin pancakes, and delicious kulebyaki began with tender meat of seal, chum salmon, pink salmon or trout. The delicacy product was added to first courses, providing incomparable

How to revive a smartphone with a “dead” battery

A touchscreen phone is a fairly common gadget that almost every person has. However, its second most popular failure, after a broken screen, is battery failure. “Revive” a broken gadget

How to weave a bauble with watermelons from beads

All girls love to weave baubles. They can be worn as a sign of friendship or love, or simply as decoration. They can be woven from floss threads, and in this article we will talk about a beaded bauble.It weaves as easily as from threads,

Doorbell from an old mobile phone

Old push-button mobile phones are long outdated and almost out of use. However, there are many ways to give such a phone a second “life” rather than sending it to scrap or a landfill. One of these ways is to put this miracle of the 90s into

How to remove a magnet without breaking it

I'll try to remove the magnet from the speaker. Speaker with a diameter of 350 mm, released in 1980 in Novosibirsk. The magnet must be powerful enough. I need magnets to place small tools on it. The magnet is attached to the wall and the tool will always be

Treatment of dead pixels

You bought a monitor, TV or laptop and one or more dead pixels appeared on the screen, then before the warranty expires, you can try contacting a service center to have your device repaired. If enough time has passed since the purchase,

DIY wooden flower shelf

Indoor flowers are the main decoration of almost any interior. After all, they make the room brighter and more attractive. Literally any room, be it an office or an apartment, can be made cozy and stylish with the help of indoor plants.