Mobile charger

Mobile charger

A huge and varied variety of chargers for phones, smartphones and tablets are now literally on every counter. But quite often our expectations do not coincide with reality! For example; when getting ready to travel and buying a powerbank for our mobile phone, we buy, say, a device at an average price, with a stated capacity of 10,400 mAh. Such a device should charge even the most power-hungry phone at least 3-4 times! However, the reality does not always coincide with what is written on the label. As the saying goes; “If you want to do something well, do it yourself!” Today we will assemble an HONEST powerbank with our own hands... Moreover, it will cost us relatively little, in comparison with a device of the same capacity (stated on the label, again!) bought in a store. I personally have already assembled such a device for myself, and I couldn’t be more pleased! And now I’ll be happy to tell you how to assemble the same thing correctly.

Will need

Mobile battery assembly

So, let's start assembling. First, let's connect the previously prepared batteries in parallel. We cut two strips from tin, approximately 4-5 mm wide. For further convenience, we first connect all the batteries into a single whole - placing them end to end, drip second glue onto the joints and immediately sprinkle it with soda. Next, using a soldering iron, solder and flux, we solder the tin plates to all the battery contacts (I used spot welding, but not every person has it on the farm, so I advised using a soldering iron). That is, we connect them in parallel. It should look like this:
Mobile charger

Mobile charger

Now we need to connect the controller. If you were unable to find such a thing in the appropriate store, use online stores, or (as a last resort) buy any cheapest Chinese powerbank, which costs 100 rubles, in order to extract this board from it. The price will be almost identical to what it would be if you bought this scarf in an online store with delivery.
Mobile charger

In general, we have a controller board. Now, MOST carefully connect the B+ and B- contacts with the contacts of the prepared battery. If you mix up the plus and minus positions, the controller will immediately burn out! I stepped on this rake myself, so be careful. After successfully soldering all the contacts, we place the controller board in the most convenient place of the battery and, again, using one-second glue and soda, glue it to the designated place.
Mobile charger

Next, glue the resulting structure (to a case that matches your phone).
Mobile charger

Mobile charger

That's basically it.This charging case will help you out more than once, on a camping trip or on a long trip.
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Comments (6)
  1. Vitaly
    #1 Vitaly Guests 17 August 2018 14:49
    Terrible collective farm. There are no other words. Without the case you can’t take it anywhere: either something will fall off or it will short out. And if it gets into a humid environment while camping, it may even burn out.
  2. Guest Mikhail
    #2 Guest Mikhail Guests 17 August 2018 15:38
    the thing should not only be practical, but also look aesthetically pleasing. And this is, excuse me, a collective farm. And about charging. HOW? Industrial devices, even the cheapest ones, have a controller with indication and charge control. Moreover, oddly enough, the power of the elements used directly depends on the capacity of the battery.
  3. Voka
    #3 Voka Guests 22 August 2018 16:36
    And how is this different from a pover can, besides the terrible collective farm and wasted time?
    #4 SLONIK Guests 13 September 2018 13:16
    And if you take a battery from a KamAZ, glue the wheels from an office chair and a rope with a loop for dragging it to the bottom, you will get a power bank with increased capacity.
  5. Guest Alex
    #5 Guest Alex Guests 28 September 2018 15:54
    How to charge the power bank itself? how to balance banks, and the author forgot to mention that when soldering such batteries, at the slightest overheating, lithium will make a “WHAM”!!! Only welding, in extreme cases soldering with a powerful soldering iron, very quickly!
    1. Guest Alexander
      #6 Guest Alexander Guests December 19, 2018 06:51
      For the sake of truth, the author has spot welding, he won’t make “Boom”. This time. Balancing is not needed here - the author has a parallel connection. That's two. And, as I understand it, this microcontroller card will charge. When I saw a similar Chinese power bank, its connectors for charging and powering devices were located on top of each other. I think these are bad photos. And yes - a collective farm...