Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 112

Master classes:

How to properly drill holes in the wall for pipes

During internal renovation work, it may be necessary to drill holes for heating or sewer pipes. The main tool for this work is an impact drill or hammer drill. Before

How to make fireproof mortar for a stove that won't crack

To improve the brickwork of the stove, ordinary plaster is not suitable, since when heated it will crack and crumble. For this you need a special fireproof solution. You can make it yourself from inexpensive ones available in every

Making a clamp from a stabilizer bar

To make neat and durable wire clamps, you need a clamp. This tool will allow you to securely tighten the hose on tubes and fittings, tie poles, pull mesh onto poles, etc. You can make a clamp based on a stand

With this tool, the seams between tiles will be perfect.

When laying large-format tiles, even with the SVP system, the seams often come apart, since it is difficult to move it with the adhesive after the additive.To prevent this from happening, you can make a reverse hammer. It is convenient for them to lay tiles even under the wall, where the usual

How to successfully fight aphids without using pesticides

Aphids and their larvae feed on the juices of young leaves of garden crops, causing them to curl, dry out and die. There are many varieties of insects that parasitize plants belonging to one or more

Have you grown a lot of onions and want to store them without any problems? Make onion powder

Onions are a product without which it is impossible to prepare almost any dish (excluding sweet desserts, of course). This vegetable is a mandatory and indispensable ingredient in soups and sauces, meat, mushroom, vegetable and fish dishes.

How to build a garden pond cheaply in a couple of days

To decorate your garden landscape, you can make a small pond. Its construction will take literally 1 day, while construction costs will be minimal. In the future, the small pond can be planted with aquatic plants in pots or installed

How to assemble a mosquito net from a cable channel and save money

If necessary, install a removable mosquito net on the window; its frame can be made from plastic cable channels. This material is available in any hardware store, is inexpensive, and is not afraid of corrosion and does not require painting. Thanks to

I don’t buy trimmer line anymore, I make it myself from a PET bottle

A trimmer line can be made from a regular PET bottle at home.Having the skills to cut PET tape, this will not be difficult at all. In terms of durability, homemade fishing line is inferior to purchased fishing line, but it is free. Sometimes it’s easier to do it than to go to

You can cook grilled chicken in a regular oven, which does not have this function.

How to cook grilled chicken in the oven if it has a special spit and air fryer function? Yes, very simple - on the grill. It turns out very tasty and not a little worse. The fried crust and aroma are appropriate. This method of preparation is always more

How to make a camp frying pan from a piece of stainless steel

Tourist frying pans are not much different from ordinary ones. They are just as deep, the only thing is that they have a compact folding handle. It is much more convenient if the pan has a slight concavity. Then even if it is wide, it is comfortable

The most pleasant way to get rid of mice

Rodents, especially in a house with clapboard siding, multiply very quickly, after which they begin to feel like real masters. They make noise at night, chew wooden walls, furniture, wires, and also spoil food. Catch them all

So as not to buy later: how to properly collect and dry dill at home in natural conditions

Dill is a delicious seasoning that can improve the taste of almost any dish. But summer residents find the main advantage of the plant to be its unpretentiousness. It can even grow by self-sowing, without requiring weeding and frequent watering. However, in order

We rid the area of ​​all anthills with just one ampoule

An excessive number of ants on the site is fraught not only for plants, but also bad in general. Ants constantly drag soil onto garden paths, concrete, and paving slabs, which makes it necessary to sweep more often. In addition, they crawl into the house,

A bicycle and a screwdriver will clear a plot of potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle in 10 minutes.

The safest way to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle is to pick it up. However, this takes a lot of time and effort. To increase the efficiency of beetle assembly, the process needs to be mechanized.

What to do if your washing machine is leaking? Most common reason

The most common problem with washing machines is leakage through the powder tray. Drops of water run straight down the dashboard. They can also get on the shock absorbers hidden inside, causing them to rust and the car to start jumping when

Do-it-yourself concrete tabletop is easy

A concrete countertop looks fundamental, but it is too heavy to buy ready-made and then have it delivered. It is optimal to do it locally. If you approach the task with an understanding of the process, then you can easily fill the countertop with your own hands

The beetle won't even fly up to the potato if you prepare this simple remedy.

To get a potato harvest, during the summer you have to treat the bushes with products against the Colorado potato beetle almost every few weeks. From such intensive spraying, the tubers become saturated with excess chemicals, so they become

6 useful tools for your garden with AliExpress

New products come on sale every day, many of which are truly useful. Among them there are also new items for the garden that can make various tasks easier.

How to make a cherry pitter from a syringe

To remove pits from cherries, you can make a homemade device from a disposable syringe. It is simple to make, but works very effectively. With its help, it will be possible to process more berries than by hand.

How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

If optimal care and storage conditions are not maintained, garden pruners become covered with rust. As a result, the tool stops working as it should. Its closed knives do not open under the influence of a spring, so the rust must be removed.

How to make a computer desk from solid wood

Hello! I wanted to make a desk. Making it from chipboard is boring and not interesting, so I decided to make it from solid wood. The main frame will be made of pine, and the table top will be made of oak. It took me about 120 bel for the whole table. rubles or 50$.

How to make a simple folding fishing boat

When going fishing in small swamps and swimming into reed thickets on ordinary inflatable boats, there is always a high probability of sailing back without it. The cylinders of inflatable boats are pierced and cut at the moment, so swimming on them in

How to make a dryer for vegetables and fruits from a leaky pan

Dried fruits and mushrooms can be prepared very quickly using an electric dryer made with your own hands from an old leaky pan.Assembling it is not at all difficult, since the system consists entirely of ready-made elements.