So as not to buy later: how to properly collect and dry dill at home in natural conditions

Dill is a delicious seasoning that can improve the taste of almost any dish. But summer residents find the main advantage of the plant to be its unpretentiousness. It can even grow by self-sowing, without requiring weeding and frequent watering. However, to enjoy the aroma of dill all year round, you need to dry it. We will describe how to do this correctly in this master class.
You need to collect dill before it begins to bloom. When the seeds begin to set, all the strength of the plant will be spent on their formation, and the greens will begin to turn yellow. If you are afraid to miss the moment, you can do it earlier, but you will get less green mass.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

Tear off the dill bushes by the roots, carefully, without raising dust from the soil. Rinse it with cold water before starting the drying process.

Dill harvesting algorithm

1. We clean the entire harvested greenery from weeds.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

2. Place the dill on a cutting board in small bunches and cut off the stems.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

We manually tear off the remaining ones. Only tender sprigs of dill should remain on the table.
3. We begin to chop.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

We make movements with the knife, retreating at equal distances, about 0.5 cm.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

4.Place pieces of newspaper in molds and trays. Sprinkle dill on them.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

It should lie loosely, loosely.
5. Place the greens in the sun. Under natural conditions, dill will dry out in 3-4 days.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

Don't forget to bring the trays under the canopy at night so that dew doesn't settle on the greenery by morning.
6. We determine the readiness of dill for long-term storage manually.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

Completely dried greens will become brittle and crumble in your hands.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

Pour the dried dill into glass jars.
Collecting and drying dill in natural conditions

We store them in a dark place. This will prevent the seasoning from turning yellow.
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Comments (3)
  1. Guest Vitaly
    #1 Guest Vitaly Guests 28 June 2020 15:36
    It's better to freeze rather than dry. A small briquette will not take up much space in the refrigerator. It will last for a long time, and a piece cut from it quickly thaws and tastes no different from fresh dill, which allows you to add it to salads with fresh vegetables.
  2. Stepan
    #2 Stepan Guests 29 June 2020 07:53
    Dried in the sun it turns yellow. It is better to cover with a cloth or paper. Drying time will increase slightly. It’s a good idea to open and stir the layer once a day, controlling the degree of drying.
  3. Guest Igor
    #3 Guest Igor Guests 6 July 2020 10:01
    You can’t dry dill, or anything at all, in the sun. Only in the shade. The attic is the perfect place for this.