How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

If optimal care and storage conditions are not maintained, garden pruners become covered with rust. As a result, the tool stops working as it should. Its closed knives do not open under the influence of a spring, so the rust must be removed. It is optimal to disassemble the pruning shears and sand its halves, but not all scissors are dismountable, in which case you can resort to acid to restore them.
How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

What you will need:

  • vinegar or citric acid;
  • sandpaper;
  • dry rags;
  • oil.

The process of restoring garden shears

In order not to disassemble the pruner, or if it is not dismountable, then you can remove rust from it by immersing the tool in acid. Vinegar or citric acid diluted in water is suitable for this. If you use vinegar, it is better to clean outside due to the pungent odor. As a result of a chemical reaction, the rust will dissolve. Depending on the concentration of the acid used and the temperature, this can take from a couple of hours to a day. It is important to immerse only the rusty metal part of the scissors in acid.If the handles have rubber pads, the acid can damage them or wash off the paint.
How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

The acid may leave some rust on the surface. It will soften significantly, so it will come off quickly and easily when processed with sandpaper. The skin must be periodically washed in water so that it completely removes traces of corrosion without the formation of streaks. Layering can also be washed with a dampened hard dishwashing sponge. It is necessary to clean the pruning shears completely until the acid-etched, darkened metal is clean.
How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

Next, the cleaned scissors need to be wiped dry and given time to dry completely. It is important not to leave water on them, as this will immediately lead to the formation of new rust stains.
How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

Cleaned dry scissors should be lubricated with oil or penetrating lubricant. It will give good sliding of knives, in addition, it will create a repulsive protective film that prevents the formation of rust.
How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

In the future, it is necessary to periodically renew the oil on the tool, no longer leave it in the open air and wipe off the remaining plant juice from it after pruning. Storage in a dry place and timely lubrication will eliminate the need for repeated restoration.
How to restore rusty garden shears without disassembly

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