The most pleasant way to get rid of mice

A nice way to get rid of mice

Rodents, especially in a house with clapboard siding, multiply very quickly, after which they begin to feel like real masters. They make noise at night, gnaw wooden walls, furniture, wires also spoil food. It is almost impossible to catch them all with mousetraps, and if you poison them, their corpses begin to decompose in inaccessible cavities and emit an odor. In this regard, when mice invade a house, it is better not to kill them, but simply to create such conditions for them that they are forced to leave.

What you will need:

  • alcohol tincture of peppermint;
    A nice way to get rid of mice

  • peppermint essential oil;
    A nice way to get rid of mice

  • large disposable syringe.

All components can be purchased at the pharmacy. To treat an average home, you will need to purchase 3-4 bottles of each product.

Home processing process

To treat rodents, you need to mix together vials of alcohol and oil tincture of peppermint.
A nice way to get rid of mice

It is important to use both components. If you use only a cheaper alcohol tincture, it will quickly evaporate and the smell will soon disappear.When mixing the two components, the finished product is liquid enough to be drawn into a syringe and moderately concentrated.
Then the prepared mixture is drawn into a large syringe with a needle.
A nice way to get rid of mice

Next, you need to squeeze out the product in small portions into the cavity where the mice live. It should be poured into their holes, cracks in floorboards, wall cladding, if they are lined with clapboard. If the ceilings are suspended, then you can pour the mixture behind them through the holes for installing spotlights. It is also worth shedding the wiring if mice begin to chew on its insulation.
A nice way to get rid of mice

A nice way to get rid of mice

A nice way to get rid of mice

Due to the thin needle of the syringe, injections can be injected into small crevices in cavities that are otherwise impossible to reach. You should try not to pour mint into open areas so that the fumes are retained strictly in the mouse passages and less of them enter the living area.
A nice way to get rid of mice

Rodents have a very strong sense of smell compared to humans. They cannot stand such a rich smell, so they leave the house. After treatment with the mixture, the smell persists for about 10 days. Then the procedure must be repeated. If you pour the product strictly into the cavity, then its smell in the room will be barely perceptible. It does not seem intrusive or disturbing, but in the passages of rodents it will be unbearable, which, given the enhanced sense of smell of mice, will give 100% results. Expelling rodents in this way is much better than poisoning them and then breathing the smell of pests decaying in their burrows for weeks.

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Comments (4)
  1. Alexei
    #1 Alexei Guests 4 July 2020 13:08
    Goodbye mice))))
  2. Irina
    #2 Irina Guests 22 July 2020 21:54
    A good way to keep mice away is to collect thistle or burdock thorns and fill the holes with these thorns into which mice can get into the house. Verified. Helps 100 percent!
  3. Guest Andrey
    #3 Guest Andrey Guests 15 July 2021 16:34
    Don’t even think about pouring mint, especially if it’s combined with birch tar... It doesn’t help, and you’ll soon make repairs to the floor and you’ll definitely have to open it up to get rid of the mint.
  4. Catherine
    #4 Catherine Guests 13 February 2022 10:41
    Mice appeared in the apartment. Every night, a mouse was caught in a mousetrap placed near the trash can under the sink. Then I soaked two cotton pads in peppermint essential oil and placed them in the cabinet under the sink. The mice did not appear again. When the smell disappeared, I replaced it with new mint discs. I don’t remember how many days the disks were there in total, but now the mice have been gone for more than two years. The mice have left and are not coming back, and if they come back, then I know what to do.