Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 11

Master classes:

No mushrooms! Awesome dish made from regular potatoes

Potatoes are served in different forms - fried, boiled, stewed, as a puree, etc. But I would like to invite you to try another unusual dish. In the form of mushrooms, but with the taste of potatoes. It’s almost impossible to guess from the outside what it’s made of.

How to instantly check antifreeze without freezing

This method of determining the quality of automotive coolants has been known for a long time, but many car owners know almost nothing about it and resort to complex procedures using boiling, freezing or burning, some of which

How to clean long-term carbon deposits without caustic chemicals

Regardless of the material from which the dishes are made, long-term carbon deposits are removed using the same method, the only difference is the effort applied and the duration of the cleaning process. Aluminum cookware is easiest to clean, but somewhat more difficult

How to ideally surround a pipe with carpet or linoleum

And why did we study geometry at school? After all, we will never need it in life! You are wrong! It will come in handy.And where? The answer to this is given by a video from the Internet, which we will consider in more detail. We will talk about trimming floor coverings:

How to make a long-burning stove from scrap metal

To heat the garage, you can use a stove made from a 200-liter iron barrel, which will be both efficient and economical. To make it you need some skills in working with metal.

What is the difference and when to install an RCD or DIF switch

This article answers the question in which cases should an RCD be installed in a distribution board, and in which a DIF machine should be installed. And are these devices necessary in principle? Maybe we can make do with old Soviet traffic jams?

How to make a device for making a strong mesh

6 mm steel wire rod is a fairly durable type of rolled metal, the manual deformation of which is a difficult operation. Moreover, when obtaining a mesh from it, you will need many initial elements with the same type, but

8 useful lifehacks for using cable ties in the home

Cable ties (plastic clamps or strips) are widely used today due to their reliability, strength and durability. These are usually disposable products and are inexpensive. Therefore, little attention is paid to them. Unless when

How to make long-lasting charcoal briquettes

Simply cut and split firewood takes up a lot of space, leaves a lot of ash after combustion and does not provide enough heat.If they are turned into charcoal and then into pressed briquettes, which, in addition to taking up little space, are good

The meat grinder will cut the thread if you sharpen it in the right way

There is an inscription on the case indicating that the product was produced by the KATEK plant. Here you can read GOST, which this meat grinder undoubtedly complies with. Small numbers 74 indicate the year of manufacture. And finally, the price is 4 rubles 76 kopecks. Not cheap

How to roll a pipe and make a beautiful tip using a lathe

On lathes, in addition to mechanical processing of mainly metal workpieces, it is possible to perform many other operations, in particular, carry out the process of end friction welding or perform pipe rolling using thermomechanical

How to Upgrade a Trimmer to a Push Lawn Mower

When working, a swinging lawn mower has to be suspended almost all the time, which leads to rapid fatigue of almost all the muscles of the body and you have to rest more often, i.e., work becomes unproductive. Turning a rocking tool into a pushing one,

How to quickly make a construction float and save money

A construction float is not an absolutely necessary thing, but it is much more convenient and faster to work with. You can, of course, wrap sandpaper on a wooden block of a suitable size, but it will always slip and crumple. Can,

How to attach an ax to an ax handle using rubber

A wooden ax handle made of any type of wood begins to dry out over time, its fibers become denser and compressed, and nothing can be done about it. This is the nature of wood structure. As a result, the ax head becomes loose on the handle and, it would seem,

How to make a heat exchanger and increase the efficiency of a stove for heating a garage with a heating radiator

In order not to bother with the water jacket inside the stove firebox for intermittent heating of the garage, you can get by with a stainless steel heat exchanger wound around the chimney, the ends of which are connected to the heating radiator. This kind of work can be done

How to cook pork belly using a restaurant recipe

Cooking pork belly is not easy. On the one hand, it is quite fatty and is not suitable for an independent dish. On the other hand, if you cook it incorrectly, it can become dry and tough. I offer you one of my favorites

How to reliably restore damaged plastic gear teeth

Cut damaged teeth of a plastic gear can be restored independently without any special effort. No complex devices, tools or machines are needed for this. We will restore the gear using

What does the use of citric acid and other washing machine “cleaners” lead to?

Modern washing machines are reliable devices that rarely fail due to design flaws or low-quality components. But the true scourge of automatic washing machines is corrosion. Destruction of the tank cross

5 military shoe hacks

Berts have long become common footwear, both in civilian life and in the army. But if you constantly wear them and there is not enough time and there are no special devices and means for caring for them, then problems with your feet may arise, and shoes

How to make a heating and cooking burner from a tin can

This homemade product will help out if gas and electricity are missing or for some reason turned off. It will also come in handy on a hiking trip, fishing or hunting. Its efficiency is quite high, and it consumes fuel (alcohol, kerosene, gasoline)

Lifehack for a welder: Free non-stick agent for semi-automatic machines

Combustion products and remains of hot metal fall and stick to the internal surfaces of the gas-conducting elements of the welding torch, located in the active zone of the welding process. Over time, this inevitably leads to a violation of the correct

How to make an economical heater from a bimetallic radiator

When the heating in the apartment is not turned on, and city utilities do not even plan to do this in the coming winter, various types of homemade heaters are used. Why not use a central heating battery for this? After all

How to make a knife handle from corks

There is no need to explain how important a sharp knife with a comfortable and non-slip handle is in the kitchen. Also, such a knife is indispensable when hiking, fishing or hunting. You can make such a handle for a knife, hatchet, spinning rod or winter fishing rod from corks from under

How to repair a gear with broken teeth

Finding an equivalent replacement for a gear whose teeth have broken for some reason, if, moreover, it is from a mechanism from previous years of production, is quite difficult, since the seat size, width, diameters (cavities,