How to make a heating and cooking burner from a tin can

This homemade product will help out if gas and electricity are missing or for some reason turned off. It will also come in handy on a hiking trip, fishing or hunting. Its efficiency is quite high, and it consumes little fuel (alcohol, kerosene, gasoline). To make it you will need an ordinary tin can, a small piece of fabric, a strip of perforated metal and simple universal tools.

How to make a burner for heating and cooking

We find a tin can with a lid, for example, from coffee. We check the bottom: it must be intact so that fuel does not leak. At a distance of 15 mm from the top of the can, we draw a circular line on the outside of its side surface and at a distance of 20 mm from each other on this line we pierce holes with an awl, which we then drill out with a drill to 4.5 mm. We clean the holes from the inside with sandpaper to remove burrs.

We use viscose, canvas or some other similar fabric as a wick.We fold it in several layers, roll it into a ring and place it in a jar so that it completely covers the inner side surface of the jar.

To fix and press the wick to the walls of the jar, we use a perforated elastic metal strip or mesh, rolled into a ring, as well as a spring wound from wire, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the jar.

We pour fuel into the jar, the volume of which should cover the bottom, and set it on fire. We give time for the walls to warm up and close the lid. We ignite the fuel vapors coming out of the holes, place a kettle of water and a pan of food on the jar and at the same time heat the room.

Experience shows that for even burning, the jar should be shaken slightly so that the wick is completely moistened. In order to extinguish our burner, it is enough to cover it with an old rag or a slightly larger container.

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