How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

Motor sirens, although considered obsolete, unlike more modern analogues with a speaker, distribute sound 360 degrees. They have a very simple structure, so they can be made by hand. If you need to buy a siren for an alarm, you can save money and make it yourself.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can


  • electric motor;
  • PVC pipe;
  • pipe plug;
  • tin can;
  • wooden block;
  • Super glue.
How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

Manufacturing process of a motor siren

To make a siren, you need to take a piece of plastic pipe and cut out windows in it. You can use a sewer pipe or a 100 mm ventilation pipe. The length of the segment should be slightly wider than the tin can. When using a pipe with a diameter of 100-110 mm, 6 rectangular windows are cut out in it.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

The same number of windows is cut out in a tin can. It is important not to cut them on one side. Then the cut metal is bent 90 degrees inside the can.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

Using another piece of plastic pipe, you need to cut small rectangles.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

They are glued between the windows from the inside of the first blank using superglue.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

Rectangles are glued in several layers.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can
How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

With their help, you need to narrow the pipe so that its internal diameter is slightly larger than the size of a tin can.

In the existing plug you need to drill a hole in the center for the motor shaft and 2 more holes for its fastenings.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can
How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

The electric motor is screwed to the plug, then a plastic pipe with windows is installed on it.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

A washer is cut from a wooden block. A narrow hole is made in it, allowing it to fit tightly onto the motor shaft. A tin can is screwed to the washer. A hole is also made in the center of the jar. Then the washer and can are put on the shaft.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can
How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

Then a PVC pipe casing with windows is installed.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

When power is applied to the engine, the can will spin inside the pipe, which will be accompanied by a characteristic loud howl that radiates far beyond the room. If such a siren sounds when the alarm is triggered, the intruders will immediately leave the premises. In addition, the siren will attract the attention of others who will be able to witness the entry of strangers. It is worth noting that when using a metal external pipe, the sound of the siren will be even more ringing and penetrating. You can also use a tin can as it, but with a larger diameter.

How to make a powerful siren from a tin can
How to make a powerful siren from a tin can

Watch the video

The sound of the siren can be heard by watching the video.

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Comments (3)
  1. Reader
    #1 Reader Guests 19 May 2020 19:47
    Person very handy
  2. Leo Boniface
    #2 Leo Boniface Guests 20 May 2020 07:24
  3. Salesman
    #3 Salesman Guests 5 August 2020 20:00
    With the same success, you can connect the angle grinder to the alarm system. There will be less hassle.