How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

If a knife or some other hand tool for wood is not hardened, then it quickly becomes dull and difficult to work with, and it takes a lot of time to process the material. Usually they are hardened using a forge. But even without it, you can carry out express hardening of instruments at home.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

Will need

For the implementation of the planned project, we will need practically waste items:
  • tin can (can be used for paint);
  • charcoal (produced by burning wood when there is a lack of oxygen);
  • newsprint and some flammable liquid;
  • container with water.

To carry out your plans in compliance with safety precautions, you need to prepare simple and accessible tools: a marker, a drill with a core drill, pliers, pliers, a hacksaw blade and a file.

Mini-forge manufacturing and hardening process

If the tin can has a lid, then remove it, since we will not need it in the future.On the outside, on the side surface in the lower part, closer to the bottom, but not close to it, with a marker we draw a circle sufficient to accommodate the hardened hand tools. By the way, this hole will perform another function - air will flow through it from the surrounding atmosphere to support combustion.
Using a drill and a core drill, we make a hole in the can according to the markings. If the cut circle is not completely separated from the surrounding metal, remove it with pliers.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

In principle, the mini-horn is ready to fulfill its intended purpose. We place a little crumpled newsprint on the bottom, put a few pieces of charcoal on top of it and, to ensure reliable ignition, we moisten the fuel material with flammable liquid on top.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

We ignite the contents of the jar with an external source (matches, lighter, etc.) and wait until the charcoal burns out and the open flame disappears.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

After this, we place hand tools to be hardened through a side hole into our improvised mini-forge and hold them there until the metal is red-hot.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

After which, grabbing the tools one by one with pliers, we immediately lower the cutting part into a container of water, slowly moving it horizontally and vertically until the metal darkens and steam stops rising from the surface of the water.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

Hardening quality testing

How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

As soon as the hardened tool has completely cooled down and reached ambient temperature, we will subject it to a hardness test. To do this, we will try to process it with a metal hacksaw blade and even a file. But neither one nor the other tool even left marks on the hardened surfaces. This is a sign that the hardening was carried out efficiently.
How to quickly harden hand tools using a tin can and charcoal

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Comments (4)
  1. Guest Sasha
    #1 Guest Sasha Guests 10 October 2019 22:40
    This is not hardening, but cementing.
  2. Kabalolo
    #2 Kabalolo Guests 31 October 2019 20:37
    Using a mini gas burner (can), this can be done at home in a more “environmentally friendly” way (without cans, coal, newspapers, ignition, etc.)
    1. P-18
      #3 P-18 Guests December 25, 2019 05:42
      You are wrong. A simple open flame will not get the temperature in the jar. You need a jar lined on the inside with a thick layer of thermal insulation, fluffed with asbestos, at a minimum. Or the can will be 6 times larger in diameter if a brick lining is used...
      The option with coal is much simpler and cheaper. And it has been used for a VERY long time.
  3. Sergey K
    #4 Sergey K Visitors December 3, 2019 00:26
    Without supercharging nothing good will happen, the temperature is too low. Yes, and with the temperature you need to heat it up and wait a certain time (until the metal stops being magnetic) and only then cool it