8 useful lifehacks for using cable ties in the home

Cable ties (plastic clamps or strips) are widely used today due to their reliability, strength and durability. These are usually disposable products and are inexpensive. Therefore, little attention is paid to them. Except when they need to be separated, but there is no tool at hand to cut the tape. Nevertheless, these simple products can help out in various life situations.

How not to lose your keys

This can easily happen if you don’t have a keychain or at least a wire ring at hand. A strip will help you get out of a difficult situation. We string all the available keys onto its tape. Then the end of the tape is inserted into the lock and tightened loosely. We select the diameter of the ring depending on the number of keys. The end of the tape protruding from the lock can be cut off.

How to fix a zipper on a bag or suitcase in the closed position

We fasten the zippers until the runners (sliders) touch.We pass a plastic clamp through the holes in the key fobs (pullers), insert the end of the tape into the lock and tighten it to the end. Cut off the tape behind the lock.

How to put more clothes in your closet

We wrap the base of the hanger hook (hanger) with a cable tie and tighten it, leaving a small ring. We insert the tape of the second strip into the resulting ring, etc. Now you can additionally hang clothes on the rings of plastic clamps and, thereby, increase the capacity of the closet.

How to staple sheets of paper together without a stapler

Using a hole punch, we punch 2-3 holes on the side of the sheets, insert the ends of the plastic clamps into them, tighten the locks tightly and cut off the ends of the ribbons protruding beyond the lock. Now the sheets of paper represent a notepad and will not fly away even with a strong desire to do so.

How to intrigue a child with a strip

Pour water into a suitable container, add some detergent, and mix thoroughly. We make a ring of a suitable size from a cable tie, dip it in the resulting solution and blow out large soap bubbles. What child would not be intrigued by such a miracle?!

How to replace the puller on the zipper lock slider

If the puller (keychain) from the zipper slider on a bag, suitcase or trousers is broken, then closing it will be quite difficult. To solve the problem, insert a strip into the hole of the puller; by pulling it, you can easily fasten the zipper.

How to clean a sewer drain

This can be done using a strip tape by making shallow cuts on both sides with scissors at an angle of about 45 degrees to its longitudinal axis, in the direction from the lock to the end of the tape. Now, pushing the tape with cuts into the holes of the sewer drain, move it up and down and pull it out.This way you can free the drain from hair, lint, pet hair, etc.

How to safely and beautifully lay multiple cables in one direction

We wrap all the cables with a trip in the transverse direction and make a free loop. Then, between adjacent cables, we tighten one plastic clamp on a transverse strip tape. We carry out this procedure every 50 cm, and you will see that your cables lie safely, neatly and beautifully.

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