Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 102

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Homemade Krakow sausage in the oven. Taste from Soviet childhood

The sausage from the store has a very questionable composition. It is stuffed with soy, dyes, thickeners, cartilage, chicken and pork skins, as well as the lowest grade meat. Against this background, it is best to cook homemade sausage.

How to make a simple bearing puller in 5 minutes

In the absence of a specialized puller, when dismantling bearings you have to use every possible trick. Sometimes knee-jerk work ends in the destruction of the bearing or deformation of the shaft from which it is knocked off. To avoid such

How to sew a skirt with your own hands in half an hour without sewing equipment

In accordance with modern fashion, every girl and woman today should have at least one long skirt in her wardrobe. But what if the options offered by stores are not attractive in appearance, quality, or price? - Better to sew

How to fill a large weld seam

When performing welding work, it may be necessary to fill a fairly wide seam.For a non-professional welder, this is an almost impossible task. In fact, everything is not so difficult if you use one trick.

How to keep greens fresh. 4 ways to properly freeze

Seasonal greens are many times more fragrant and healthier than greenhouse greens. In this regard, if possible, it is better to freeze it and use it in winter instead of fresh store-bought. This can be done in different ways. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For freezing

Stand for splitting firewood with a hammer from an old car wheel

If you periodically come to chop small firewood for the barbecue, you can make a special stand for this. It is safer than an ax, since it prevents the splitting of wood from flying around, and it chops more quietly.

How to make a low-voltage mini cutting machine from a cardan cross

For those who do not have a workshop and have to work directly in the apartment, an important parameter when choosing electrical equipment is its noise level. Finding such a tool is not so easy, but much of what you need can be done with your own hands, to

How and when to plant garlic in winter for a big harvest

Garlic is planted in open ground 3-4 weeks before the onset of cold weather. Depending on the region, it is better to do this from the second half of September until the end of the first ten days of December. In addition to meeting deadlines, it is also important to adhere to other conditions.

A reliable method of storing carrots and beets that has been proven over the years

Properly prepared carrots and beets can last without problems until the next harvest.If they are simply thrown into a heap in a cellar or basement, then the supplies begin to rot. To preserve 100% of your harvest, try this method.

LED level indicator powered directly from the speaker

A very simple light level indicator without transistors, without microcircuits and without a board can be quickly assembled in a couple of minutes. It does not require additional power and is powered by the sound of the amplifier. Connects directly to the speaker. Such an indicator

Throw onions on the coals and get a delicacy

Sauces with a smoky flavor are many times tastier than anything simply prepared on the stove or in the oven. Next time you grill fish or meat over coals, be sure to try this recipe. This is almost a delicacy, the taste of which will definitely be remembered for a long time.

How to cook delicious and cheap baked lard “royally”

A pressing issue for many family budgets is the question of a cheap, satisfying and tasty dish that can be quickly prepared and not embarrassingly served to dear guests with the most refined taste and high demands on food. All specified criteria

Very accurate drill stand for a drill with your own hands

Drill stands for drills, even in the factory version, are very far from ideal, since it is difficult to align the drill in them strictly vertically. If you need extreme precision, it is better to make the stand yourself.

Do-it-yourself simplified potato digger for a walk-behind tractor

When pulling out potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, it is optimal to use a potato digger with a rumble. She puts all the tubers on top, so when collecting them you don’t need to dig into the soil with your hands. You can make a very simple digger with a rumble yourself.

Chinese fried potatoes when you're tired of banal potatoes

It would seem that fried potatoes can surprise you. However, it can be prepared in such a way that it will be completely different from the dish familiar from childhood. Try Chinese fried potatoes.

Universal jig for sharpening circular saws using regular sandpaper

In order for a tipped circular saw to dust without chipping, the teeth must be sharpened in two planes with a strictly specified angle. It is convenient to do this on a self-made conductor.

How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

Smooth plastic bottles are the best to unravel into ribbons, but with curly ones, difficulties arise. To avoid this, they can be straightened, removing all the relief. To do this you need to make one simple device.

The most tender meat that you can eat even with your lips

Beef is a fairly specific meat in cooking, so without proper culinary skills, dishes made from it turn out less appetizing than from simpler chicken or pork. If you have had a bad experience with beef and are biased towards it,

How to 100% repair a remote control with a pencil and glue

The remote control for a TV, air conditioner or other household appliances begins to malfunction after a couple of years. At first, in order for the buttons to work, you need to press them with all your might, but over time, this does not help. If something like this happens, it’s not worth it

I grow garlic the size of my fist, it grows on its own, diseases don’t attack it, I’m sharing the secret

Garlic, like any garden crop, will be large and fragrant only under comfortable growing conditions.If you plant even a very good variety in bad soil, there will not be a rich harvest.

How to make a gas burner from a gas stove

An old gas stove is not only scrap metal, but also a source of spare parts, for example, for making a burner. Therefore, if it is available, there is no point in buying a burner.

“Murmansk lard” or spicy lightly salted marinated mackerel

If you like spicy lightly salted fish, then be sure to try this recipe. Mackerel prepared in this way is perfectly stored in the freezer, and when cut it thaws literally in minutes, so you can eat it immediately or after

How much can you earn by disassembling an old gas stove for scrap metal?

To sell a gas stove for scrap with maximum profit, it needs to be disassembled. Inside it, in addition to ferrous metal, there is also aluminum and brass. When disassembled, the stove is much more compact, so it is easier to deliver it to the collection point in the trunk

How to make an ax “in reverse”

Those who like to make fun of their friends will appreciate the idea of ​​a comic ax of a non-standard shape, in which the blade and butt are swapped. Despite its unusual nature, it is quite functional and can be used for its main purpose.