How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

Smooth plastic bottles are the best to unravel into ribbons, but with curly ones, difficulties arise. To avoid this, they can be straightened, removing all the relief. To do this you need to make one simple device.


  • bicycle wheel nipple assembly;
  • piece of bicycle tube;
  • PET bottle cap.

How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

The process of straightening shaped bottles

To make a device for straightening bottles, you need to prepare a punch from a tube equal in diameter to the nipple. The internal chamfer is simply removed.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

With a punch you need to punch 2 holes in a section of the bicycle tube at a distance of at least 5-6 cm from each other, and one in the center of the bottle cap.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

You need to cut 2 gaskets from the chamber, similar to the washers on the nipple.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

The valve is installed in the cover and pressed on both sides with washers and rubber bands, then tightened with a nut.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

The modernized cap is screwed onto the shaped bottle and it is slightly inflated with a pump.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

Next, the nipple is clamped into the screw chuck.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

After this, the bottle rotating in a screwdriver is heated with a hairdryer or over a gas stove with the divider removed from the burner.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

Due to internal pressure, the heating walls will be leveled. As a result, any shaped bottle will become smooth and suitable for dissolving into ribbon.
How to straighten any shaped PET bottles

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