Cooking. Page 24

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Super fast chips in the microwave

Suddenly you want crispy chips, but don’t feel like going to the store? I bet I can cook chips faster than you can go to the store for store-bought ones? Don't believe me? I make super quick chips in the microwave in less than 10 minutes!

How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

As always, there is not enough time in the morning. Everyone is running and fussing, especially in a large family. To save you precious minutes while preparing breakfast, I'll show you a life hack on how to cook an egg (or several at once) in the microwave in less than a minute.

How to salt lard

While nutritionists and other experts debate the benefits of salted pork lard, it remains a very popular product among many people around the world. Salted lard is eaten in Italy, Germany, the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Russia. Many myths about the dangers of lard

How to deliciously and simply fry wild mushrooms

Forest mushrooms are a favorite food product among many peoples. In the summer-autumn period, lovers of quiet hunting flock to forest areas to collect tasty and healthy mushrooms. An easy to prepare but very tasty dish is fried

Red fish is a simple delicacy

What kind of dishes were not prepared in Rus' from the salmon family of fish? Traditional pies, thin pancakes, and delicious kulebyaki began with tender meat of seal, chum salmon, pink salmon or trout. The delicacy product was added to first courses, providing incomparable

Chicken breast ham

Homemade chicken ham does not compare in taste to the product purchased in the store. It is prepared from a whole chicken carcass using skin or only from the breast. Breast ham turns out to be dietary and can be included in the diet if properly

Three barbecue marinades for every taste

What picnic would be complete without kebabs or grilled steaks? From April until the end of autumn, lovers of country holidays and country gatherings are required to light a fire and cook fried meat and chicken on smoldering coals.

Tender beef shish kebab

There are a great many recipes for marinade for barbecue and portioned pieces of meat baked on the grill. Soaking meat in fermented milk products, tomato juice, kiwi and citrus fruit pulp, soy sauce, mustard, mayonnaise with added

Toothy dessert

Your guests will simply be torn to shreds from surprise if you serve them this truly terribly wonderful dessert. This dish will definitely be remembered for a long time. Usually this is done for Halloween, but no one bothers to diversify boring everyday life and a little

Dry salted capelin

Salting fish is a simple matter, sprinkle it with salt, that’s all the wisdom.If we consider the salting of specific fish, for example, such small fish as capelin, and delve into the process in more detail, we can identify many interesting cooking options,

How to deliciously marinate meat for barbecue in 10 minutes

Summer is in full swing. We all often go to sunbathe, swim, and just relax in nature during our free time from work. And, as a rule, we always take with us a grill, skewers and marinated meat. What a vacation outside the city or at the dacha with company

Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

Sweet compotes and jelly are not the best options for quenching thirst on hot days. But water with lemon and ice is the most win-win option in such cases: it’s tasty and healthy if consumed in moderation, profitable and pleasant. However, not

How to pickle mackerel deliciously

Herring and mackerel are regulars on Swedish holiday tables, be it New Year, Christmas, Easter or Midsummer. The abundance of fish in the Baltic and North Seas influenced the culture of this country, and the first recipes for pickling and

Chicken cutlets without using a meat grinder

Tender chicken cutlets are one of my favorite meat dishes. There was a time when I didn’t have a meat grinder, and I don’t use store-bought minced meat, so these cutlets helped me out. The secret of their preparation is that the meat does not need to be ground in a meat grinder, but

Spicy lightly salted capelin

What a pity that this small sea fish is undeservedly ignored, but it is superior to meat in terms of vitamin B and selenium content. It is very rich in iodine, fluorine, calcium and sodium, and, like all wild marine fish, it is saturated with omega-3 fats.

Simple and delicious milk ice cream with cherries

Cherries are one of those berries that rarely appear in fresh dishes, but they become an excellent filling, an addition to the main taste. Dairy ice cream is a neutral sweet product, there are no special frills in it. Cherries falling into

Delicious “green” lard

Do you want to surprise your guests with beautiful and tasty ordinary lard? Then this article will help you! It seemed like there was something original and interesting here! A simple and ancient dish. But no! There is one simple but interesting recipe and very beautiful

Watermelon lemonade

Watermelon lemonade is an incredibly tasty and refreshing drink. It is often served at resorts and seaside holiday destinations. The recipe is very simple, minimal ingredients and amazing results. Watermelon itself is very refreshing, and in the form of lemonade this

Cherry and blackcurrant liqueur

The complex taste of the liqueur is its undoubted advantage. Cherry and currant leaves give it a mysterious spicy flavor. Cherry branches are also added to the liqueur, which creates that special shade that is characteristic of drinks stored in wooden barrels.

Salting caviar at home

In July, large silver carp are often caught with caviar. Frying it just gets boring. You can salt the caviar yourself. Many people do it wrong. The result is boiled caviar, which is disgusting in taste and consistency. But right

Quick and tasty chicory kvass

Everyone knows that kvass has always been considered a traditional drink in Rus'. Times change, but the foundations remain the same.Just like many years ago, tasty, spicy kvass is valued for its unusual taste and invigorating power. There are several options

Homemade chicken ham

Homemade chicken ham does not compare in taste to store-bought ham. It is prepared at home with aromatic seasonings, mushrooms, dried fruits, vegetables, nuts and green sauces made from garlic, basil, parsley,

Salo with garlic and pepper, a simple recipe

Salted lard is a respected product among many peoples of the world. It is especially loved in European countries. Although there are sometimes lard with layers of meat called bacon, it still remains pork lard. Pork lard is also loved in Italy, namely by the ancients.

Baked mackerel

Fragrant mackerel baked with onion and lemon, with a crispy crust and tender meat, will definitely become your favorite dish, you just have to cook it at least once. It will take very little time to prepare it, but the resulting