Cooking. Page 20

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Subscriber splitter - what you need to know

The TAP subscriber splitter is an installation element used to create branches from one TV trunk to several consumers, while maintaining a pass-through signal. With its help, the television signal from the main cable is divided between

Fried whiting - fast, tasty, cheap

Blue whiting is a sea fish from the cod family, which is sold completely freely and is cheap. Perhaps that is why many ignore it, considering it “tasteless,” which is not true. Very tasty and nutritious fish contains

How to pickle mackerel. Two options

It is not difficult to prepare the product at home. If the question arises, “How to pickle mackerel?”, then you can use one of two methods. Both the first and second will not take much time and will allow you to enjoy the taste.

Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Herring and egg salad will perfectly complement a potato dish (mashed potatoes or just whole boiled potatoes).

How to beat a coconut

Of course, everyone has seen a mysterious southern nut called coconut on store shelves.In various travel shows, you can see the main character drinking coconut milk, or using a beautiful nut shell as a cocktail glass. You,

Healthy and tasty - homemade iced teas

Summer has arrived, and retail outlets are implementing their plans to sell chilled drinks. Yes, all kinds of drinks and teas taste good and can quench your thirst for a short time. I'm sure few of us pay attention to what is written in small letters on

Chicken fillet in soy sauce in a frying pan

Asian dishes have more and more fans every day. And, if earlier everyone went to the appropriate cafes, now many try to cook at home. Moreover, all the ingredients can be bought without problems, and such dishes don’t have a lot of time.

Cooking fried cucumbers

Cucumbers are salted, fermented, pickled, and most often eaten fresh, just like that or in salads. But something as exotic as fried cucumbers can only be tasted when traveling to eastern countries. And if anyone had a chance to taste this unusual

How to cut potatoes into spirals with a regular knife

An incredibly tasty and amazing side dish can be made from ordinary potatoes. Please your household with an interesting addition to the table. An appetizing, crispy spiral will definitely decorate any holiday table. This dish is prepared very simply and quickly.

How to pickle frozen pink salmon

Many people cannot afford to buy salted red fish. Some are stopped by the price, while others are concerned about the unnatural composition of such a snack. But both problems can be solved if you know how to pickle frozen pink salmon at home. Costs

Children's soup with octopus

In essence, this is an ordinary soup with meatballs, but instead of boring meat balls, funny octopuses have settled here, spreading their legs out of long noodles or spaghetti. Children are simply delighted with this interpretation!

Pork kebab in soy sauce

Shish kebab has long been a traditional dish and an integral attribute of picnics and walks in nature. As a rule, no trip to nature or to the countryside is complete without cooking meat over a fire. There are a huge number of recipes for marinades for barbecue.

Delicious dumplings on the best choux pastry

Perhaps dumplings are one of the most revered and international dishes. From a small amount of any minced meat and flour, multiplied by patience and dexterity, you can prepare a fairly large batch of juicy and satisfying dumplings with meat, as they are called

Golden potatoes in the microwave in 5 minutes

Would you believe that you can cook potatoes in just 5 minutes? Then be sure to try making potatoes in the microwave in a bag. To give the dish a golden color and unique aroma, it is good to use natural spices, turmeric and

Poached egg in a bag (quick breakfast)

This picturesque, original dish, which fits perfectly into the concept of proper nutrition, is usually prepared for breakfast. Some 5-7 minutes. - and the poached egg is already showing off on the prepared plate. This unusual and simple way to cook an egg

How to deliciously bake a whole pike in the oven

Whole pike baked in the oven completely preserves the tenderness and juiciness of the meat. This beautiful dish will take pride of place at a regular or festive feast.Look how chic and regal this simple dish looks. Despite all the beauty

Mackerel in the microwave in 10 minutes

You can cook almost anything in a microwave oven, and the time is reduced significantly. The microwave allows you to make a dish in a matter of minutes that would take at least half an hour in the oven. For example, mackerel in the microwave turns out juicy,

Pollock in "Goldfish" batter

Compared to other seafood, pollock has a low price, but the list of beneficial properties it possesses is no less than that of expensive varieties of fish. Pollock is a powerful antioxidant, contains a lot of protein and iodine, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin

Pork stew at home - the easiest recipe

Every thrifty housewife must have stewed meat in her stock, and it is advisable that this stew be homemade and not store-bought, since store-bought stew of good quality is rarely seen these days. We'll make one like this at home

Layered chicken breast basturma

Chicken breasts have uneven thickness and random shapes. In layered basturma, a rectangular shape of equal thickness is achieved, and the inner layers are already soaked in spices and garlic. This method of salting allows the output to have even

“Three tastes” - the most delicious bread for sandwiches

You will definitely be able to surprise and delight your loved ones if you prepare them this amazing bread for breakfast. This porous, plump braid consists of 3 types of dough, differing only in the fillers. All harnesses are combined into a single whole -

Homemade cheese in 10 minutes. Simple, tasty, inexpensive.

You can make cottage cheese or cottage cheese from whole farm milk at home. It cooks quite quickly - about 10 minutes. It takes about two more hours to shape the product. Afterwards it can be offered to the table or placed in

Uzbek flatbread in the oven - Like from a tandoor!

A ruddy flatbread according to the Uzbek recipe can be baked not only in a tandoor, but also in a regular oven. To make it airy, with a toasted crust and elastic texture, I use several secrets. I am happy to share them with

Pork kebab in a frying pan

An appetizing and juicy lula kebab can not only diversify the standard menu, but also become an original dish for the holiday table. In this recipe, lula kebab is prepared from pork, to which is added for juiciness and the necessary viscous structure.