Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Herring and egg salad will perfectly complement a potato dish (mashed potatoes or just whole boiled potatoes).
Time: 15 min.
Yield: 5-6 servings.

Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Products for salad with herring

  • - lightly salted herring - 1 pc. (500 g);
  • - eggs - 2-3 pcs.;
  • - onion (green) - 1/2 bunch;
  • - dill - 1/2 bunch;
  • - vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • - apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • - ground black pepper;
  • - salt.

Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs


You can buy ready-made pieces of fillet (herring), or you can buy whole, uncut herring, and prepare your own herring fillet at home. To do this, first remove the scales from the herring, if they are present on the herring. We put cooking paper on the kitchen board to make it easier to clean up after cutting the herring (just throw the paper away with the waste). We cut off the head, then cut the abdomen. And then we discard the insides, be sure to remove the bitter dark film from the inner walls of the herring’s belly. Then we wash the inside of the fish’s belly with cool water and dip the liquid in paper napkins. We make an incision along the back to the fish ridge.Carefully separate the two halves of the herring carcass, removing the spinal and rib bones.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Cut the herring fillet crosswise into small pieces.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Chicken eggs, previously hard-boiled, are now cut into quarters. Chop the green onion feathers quite finely.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Cover the bottom of the plate with chopped herbs. Carefully place pieces of herring fillet and slices of eggs on the greens, alternating them with each other.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

We prepare a dressing for the appetizer from the following ingredients: pepper, salt, vinegar, and vegetable oil.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Season the salad with pre-prepared sauce.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Sprinkle the herring and egg salad with chopped fresh dill and green onions.
Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Russian salad of lightly salted herring and eggs

Serve herring salad with boiled potatoes.
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