Fish dishes

Master classes:

How to deliciously bake a whole pike in the oven

Whole pike baked in the oven completely preserves the tenderness and juiciness of the meat. This beautiful dish will take pride of place at a regular or festive feast. Look how chic and regal this simple dish looks. Despite all the beauty

Mackerel in the microwave in 10 minutes

You can cook almost anything in a microwave oven, and the time is reduced significantly. The microwave allows you to make a dish in a matter of minutes that would take at least half an hour in the oven. For example, mackerel in the microwave turns out juicy,

Pollock in "Goldfish" batter

Compared to other seafood, pollock has a low price, but the list of beneficial properties it possesses is no less than that of expensive varieties of fish. Pollock is a powerful antioxidant, contains a lot of protein and iodine, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin

How to bake mackerel in the oven

Wondering what to cook for dinner? Here's my easy-to-make oven-baked mackerel recipe. Your family will definitely love this dish. Eating fish is very good for your health.

How to cook sprats at home

To prepare sprats at home, you will need small fish. The recipe is quite inexpensive and does not require any special culinary skills. The fish turns out very tender. The infusion of onion peel will give the dish a golden color, and prunes will add

Crucian carp baked in salt

A simple way to cook delicious fish. Fish baked in salt turns out aromatic and juicy. Don't be afraid that it will be over-salted. The fish will be moderately salty. She will take as much salt as she needs.

Marinated mackerel

Taking care of maintaining the graceful proportions of your figure, you need to introduce mackerel dishes into the menu. Beneficial substances are preserved in fish pulp that has escaped heat treatment. If fresh mackerel can simply be sprinkled with salt and spices, then

Spicy salted capelin

Once you try spicy salted capelin, you will no longer run past trays with frozen fish carcasses. Properly salted capelin tastes better than herring. Capelin is easy to cut: by removing the backbone, you free the carcass from all types of bones.

Lightly salted pink salmon - Step-by-step salting recipe

Sandwiches with red fish were always served at the festive table in Soviet times. Now this simple appetizer often appears on our table simply as a pleasant addition to dinner. The fish for such sandwiches should be

Herring “Like smoked”

Salted herring is usually always present on the New Year's table as a simple cut or as a component of some New Year's salad.In this form, it is undoubtedly delicious, but if you want to bring a new trend and new tastes to the menu, you can

How to clean capelin quickly and without bones

Capelin is a small fish from the Smelt family. It is well distributed and is caught commercially in many countries. This fish contains many useful substances, including polyunsaturated acids and minerals. Consumption of capelin in

How to fry smelt fish quickly and tasty

Smelt is a small fish with an unusually strong smell of fresh cucumbers. Despite the fact that it is caught on an industrial scale, it remains a favorite type of winter recreational fishing. If luck smiled on a fisherman and he caught his fishing rod

Two simple recipes for frying white fish

Any type of fish is suitable to implement your plan. I chose the easiest option. Firstly, the sea bass fillet is almost boneless. Secondly, it is flat, which does not create any difficulties during frying; there is no need to worry that the middle or

How to properly fry fresh crucian carp in a frying pan

This recipe is for those who love fresh river fish. If you cook it correctly, you get a delicious fish with a crispy golden crust. For frying, it is better to take crucian carp up to 20 cm in size. Thus, it will completely fit in the frying pan and

How to deliciously cook crucian fish soup

It is from crucian carp that the most delicious and nutritious fish soup comes out. To make it rich and aromatic, you need to use fresh fish for its preparation. Cooking such an easy and healthy dish does not require much work.

Red fish is a simple delicacy

What kind of dishes were not prepared in Rus' from the salmon family of fish? Traditional pies, thin pancakes, and delicious kulebyaki began with tender meat of seal, chum salmon, pink salmon or trout. The delicacy product was added to first courses, providing incomparable

Dry salted capelin

Salting fish is a simple matter, sprinkle it with salt, that’s all the wisdom. If we consider the salting of specific fish, for example, such small fish as capelin, and delve into the process in more detail, we can identify many interesting cooking options,

How to pickle mackerel deliciously

Herring and mackerel are regulars on Swedish holiday tables, be it New Year, Christmas, Easter or Midsummer. The abundance of fish in the Baltic and North Seas influenced the culture of this country, and the first recipes for pickling and

Spicy lightly salted capelin

What a pity that this small sea fish is undeservedly ignored, but it is superior to meat in terms of vitamin B and selenium content. It is very rich in iodine, fluorine, calcium and sodium, and, like all wild marine fish, it is saturated with omega-3 fats.

Salting caviar at home

In July, large silver carp are often caught with caviar. Frying it just gets boring. You can salt the caviar yourself. Many people do it wrong. The result is boiled caviar, which is disgusting in taste and consistency. But right

Baked mackerel

Fragrant mackerel baked with onion and lemon, with a crispy crust and tender meat, will definitely become your favorite dish, you just have to cook it at least once. It will take very little time to prepare it, but the resulting

Homemade smoked herring

Smoked herring is a great find for those who love fish. Many will say that such a small thing is not worth bothering with. Do not try to rush to conclusions, because the result will be amazing and impressive. The result is a natural product

Salted mackerel at home

Nutritionists advise including fish dishes in the menu at least 1-2 times a week, and it is advisable to choose fish with a fairly high percentage of fat. Together with it, valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the family enter the human body.

How to fry pollock correctly

A wonderful fish is pollock. Having an amazing neutral taste, the product goes well with many ingredients and dishes. The most important thing is that this fish has almost no bones, so you can eat it with great pleasure. Most popular