Meat dishes

Master classes:

Pork kebab in soy sauce

Shish kebab has long been a traditional dish and an integral attribute of picnics and walks in nature. As a rule, no trip to nature or to the countryside is complete without cooking meat over a fire. There are a huge number of recipes for marinades for barbecue.

Pork stew at home - the easiest recipe

Every thrifty housewife must have stewed meat in her stock, and it is advisable that this stew be homemade and not store-bought, since store-bought stew of good quality is rarely seen these days. We'll make one like this at home

Layered chicken breast basturma

Chicken breasts have uneven thickness and random shapes. In layered basturma, a rectangular shape of equal thickness is achieved, and the inner layers are already soaked in spices and garlic. This method of salting allows the output to have even

Pork kebab in a frying pan

An appetizing and juicy lula kebab can not only diversify the standard menu, but also become an original dish for the holiday table.In this recipe, lula kebab is prepared from pork, to which is added for juiciness and the necessary viscous structure.

Lula kebab from chicken fillet in a frying pan

Lula kebab is a shish kebab made from minced meat, it is popular in the Caucasus and many eastern countries. The classic lula kebab is made from lamb, but in our country lamb is less common, so it is often replaced with other types of meat. One of the options

Homemade beef jerky

Today it is not difficult to buy a variety of meat products for cutting in the store, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find at least something more or less natural. So many people are successfully mastering the preparation of such delicacies at home.

Chicken milk sausages

In terms of taste, chicken sausages are many times superior to any other chicken products from the store, as they are made from 100% meat, without any starch or other additives. And their cost, oddly enough, can be much less than purchased ones.

Delicious and inexpensive homemade sausage made from chicken thighs and minced pork

You can diversify the taste and reduce the cost of sausage, without compromising the taste, by using chicken thighs. This is the juiciest and meatiest part of the chicken, so homemade sausage will not be dry, and due to the fact that the chicken is cut

Homemade sausages without casing - frikandels

Beef sausages, visually reminiscent of a cigar and without a casing, are the Belgian national dish. The composition of frikandels is similar to our cutlets, but with some features. Very similar to cevapchichi, but I personally like the taste

A simple recipe for delicious homemade sausage

Real sausage is made from meat. Don't believe me? Then let's prepare it with our own hands according to a very simple and understandable recipe, without special equipment or professional skills.

Men's cooking. Simple quick shurpa

Many representatives of the stronger sex are not fans of cuisine and cooking. However, a real man is quite capable of mastering a simple shurpa recipe. It can be prepared in a deep frying pan or cauldron from a minimum amount of ingredients.

Homemade sausage

Wanting to show off its crispy, shiny sides in a natural casing, real home-made sausage has laid out its rings so temptingly that it risks being eaten before the holidays! The composition of the sausage can be different - both assorted and

Chicken fillet balyk

A very exquisite dish, in appearance and taste somewhat reminiscent of balyk from noble varieties of fish, but, surprisingly, it is very easy to prepare. Balyk from chicken fillet does not require any heat treatment or smoking, but only time,

How to smoke lard in an apartment

You can make homemade smoked lard in an ordinary kitchen, without having a specialized smokehouse. I propose a method that in some respects is superior to even conventional smokehouses, since it only requires a handful of wood chips and eliminates

How to salt lard

While nutritionists and other experts debate the benefits of salted pork lard, it remains a very popular product among many people around the world.Salted lard is eaten in Italy, Germany, the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Russia. Many myths about the dangers of lard

Chicken breast ham

Homemade chicken ham does not compare in taste to the product purchased in the store. It is prepared from a whole chicken carcass using skin or only from the breast. Breast ham turns out to be dietary and can be included in the diet if properly

Three barbecue marinades for every taste

What picnic would be complete without kebabs or grilled steaks? From April until the end of autumn, lovers of country holidays and country gatherings are required to light a fire and cook fried meat and chicken on smoldering coals.

Tender beef shish kebab

There are a great many recipes for marinade for barbecue and portioned pieces of meat baked on the grill. Soaking meat in fermented milk products, tomato juice, kiwi and citrus fruit pulp, soy sauce, mustard, mayonnaise with added

How to deliciously marinate meat for barbecue in 10 minutes

Summer is in full swing. We all often go to sunbathe, swim, and just relax in nature during our free time from work. And, as a rule, we always take with us a grill, skewers and marinated meat. What a vacation outside the city or at the dacha with company

Chicken cutlets without using a meat grinder

Tender chicken cutlets are one of my favorite meat dishes. There was a time when I didn’t have a meat grinder, and I don’t use store-bought minced meat, so these cutlets helped me out. The secret of their preparation is that the meat does not need to be ground in a meat grinder, but

Delicious “green” lard

Do you want to surprise your guests with beautiful and tasty ordinary lard? Then this article will help you! It seemed like there was something original and interesting here! A simple and ancient dish. But no! There is one simple but interesting recipe and very beautiful

Homemade chicken ham

Homemade chicken ham does not compare in taste to store-bought ham. It is prepared at home with aromatic seasonings, mushrooms, dried fruits, vegetables, nuts and green sauces made from garlic, basil, parsley,

Simple salting of lard with garlic

For many, lard is almost the most favorite product. With and without layers, thin and thick, salted in various ways. Each species has its own fans. In the winter cold it will give you a feeling of fullness, in the summer heat thinly chopped lard

Smoked chicken drumstick: recipe with photo

The rosy smoked drumsticks look appetizing even in the photo. They can be easily bought at any hypermarket, but pay attention to the composition. There are a huge number of additives that are undesirable for consumption. Doctors are constantly on all screens