Simple salting of lard with garlic

For many, lard is almost the most favorite product. With and without layers, thin and thick, salted in various ways. Each species has its own fans. In the winter cold it will give you a feeling of fullness; in the summer heat, thinly chopped lard will refresh and cool you. And it’s best to salt the lard yourself, because you can always choose your favorite spices to get the desired taste. Today I want to offer the simplest, one might say, basic method, which is salting lard with garlic. It’s very simple: generously roll the pieces in a mixture of salt and seasonings, put them in a bag and put them in the refrigerator for a day. Thus, having spent only 5 minutes of time, you will soon be able to enjoy tasty and aromatic salted lard.


  • fresh lard 400 g.
  • garlic 4-5 cloves
  • salt 2 tbsp.
  • coriander 1 tbsp.
  • pepper mixture 1 tsp.
  • bay leaf 3 pcs.

Step-by-step recipe for salting lard

Prepare everything you need. Cut the lard into pieces, about 10x5 cm in size. But the smaller they are, the faster the salting process will happen. If you cut it more finely, homemade lard will be ready in half the required time.It is desirable that the lard be fresh, not frozen, and of high quality; the taste of the final product directly depends on this.

Pour salt and seasonings into a mortar and break the bay leaf with your hands. The mixture can be made by grinding everything in a coffee grinder or using ready-made ones. But freshly ground spices have a much more intense taste.

Grind well with a pestle. Add chopped garlic.

Mix and pour onto a flat plate. Generously coat each piece of lard on all sides.

Place in a strong plastic bag.

Tie, trying to leave as little air inside as possible. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

After a few hours it will become noticeable that the lard has become a little damp, this is good. It is advisable to periodically stir and turn the contents of the bag for more even salting.

After 24 hours you can try. For long-term storage, place the pieces of lard together in a bag in the freezer.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests January 11, 2019 11:30
    Thank you! A very tasty read. I'll try to cook it.