4 ways to get rid of mice WITHOUT strong poison

These small gray rodents not only cause disgust, spoil food and things, but can also spread all kinds of infection. Cats are currently not a very reliable means of fighting them. They have become lazy and for some reason have little interest in mice. In this regard, it is necessary for the person himself to engage in the fight against them, using the experience of other people, advice in books, magazines and the Internet.

Plastic bottle trap

Pour sunflower or better olive oil (it is more fragrant) into this container in an amount of at least 100 ml. We add a couple of pieces of fried lard to it and place bottles with the specified “filling” in the habitats or paths of movement of mice. The cap, of course, twists off the neck.

Rodents are attracted by the smell of oil and fried lard, and they get inside the bottle through the neck, but can’t get out again. The death of relatives teaches nothing and up to a dozen or more of these harmful individuals are stuffed into the bottle.

Bread crumb mixed with boric acid

This method can be safely used when there are no cats, dogs and, of course, small children in the house. Pour boric acid crystals into a small container and roll the bread crumb in it.

We place them where mice live or move. Boric acid, unlike other poisons, does not repel even adults. When it enters the body, it causes paralysis of internal organs, which leads to their suffocation and rapid death.

Alabaster + toasted flour

A mixture of these two products is initially attracted by the smell of toasted flour, which disappears after a while and the mice cease to show interest in them. In the short time that the mixture “fonits,” mice, having feasted on such a binary product, simply cement their internal organs and die.

Concentrated birch tar is a powerful mouse repeller

Mice cannot tolerate the specific smell of this product. Of course, it is also felt by people, but for the sake of getting rid of a greater evil, i.e. mice, it can be tolerated. Moreover, there is no harm from it to humans. We soak cotton pads, just cotton wool or pieces of rags with this liquid and place them in places where mice live or run through.

The most effective trap is made from a plastic bottle with oil and fried lard. Boric acid is dangerous for pets. Birch tar does not kill, but repels mice with its specific smell. The choice is yours.

What does soap have to do with it?

You can get rid of mice simply by placing pieces of tar soap in the corners. Rodents cannot stand this smell and will look for a new home.

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