How to get rid of mice once and for all. Safe product for people and animals

Those offered in all kinds of markets or stores, as well as homemade preparations based on some kind of poisons or toxic substances, will, of course, remove mice from your home, but who can guarantee that your beloved pets will not feast on them and will not get sick or, even worse, they will not go to another world. They can also fall into the hands of young children and this will be very sad.

How to prepare a remedy and get rid of mice

These annoying, harmful and dangerous rodents can be effectively dealt with using a very simple mix, made up of completely harmless ingredients, but which rodents cannot tolerate when mixed. At the same time, they are harmless to domestic cats and dogs. Such a mixture will also not bring anything bad to people. Unless a specific smell will be felt for some time, which will soon disappear.

In a small glass or earthenware dish such as a cup, pour one teaspoon of ordinary table salt and in exactly the same volume pour concentrated peppermint and birch tar, which can be freely purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Mix the ingredients placed in a cup thoroughly until we are sure that the table salt has completely dissolved in the liquid ingredients. The mixture, the smell of which mice cannot tolerate at all, is completely ready for practical use.

We take cotton pads, just bunches of cotton wool or cloth rags in our hands, soak them generously in the resulting solution and place them in places where gray rodents like to be, also along their movement routes or next to minks, if they were found.

The “explosive mixture” we prepared is not a dangerous poison, so mice, even if they try it, will not die. However, it won't come to that. They simply cannot stand the smell of the mix we received and will run away from your house in all directions in panic and never come back. For people, this “amber” is quite tolerable and does not cause any particular concern and, moreover, will not affect their well-being.

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Read: How to easily obtain first-class birch tar

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  1. Alexei
    #1 Alexei Guests 3 October 2023 13:12