How to get rid of cockroaches: a trap made from improvised means

When cockroaches appear in someone’s apartment, all the neighbors suffer, especially when the apartment owner does not keep the home clean. If neighbors do nothing, the cockroaches will continue to multiply, and it will be more difficult to get rid of them. Another reason is the persecution of insects by neighbors. Pests are saved from death; they can move from apartment to apartment through cracks. Perhaps you yourself brought cockroaches home from public places. These nosy creatures could crawl into your belongings, grocery bags, and clothes.
It is almost impossible to predict the appearance of cockroaches. Therefore, if you notice pests in your apartment, immediately start preventing the apartment.

About the dangers of store-bought products

Fighting cockroaches is becoming more and more difficult every year - they adapt to chemicals, and old remedies no longer work. This forces manufacturers to create insecticides that are more aggressive. You need to approach their choice seriously, firstly, read the information and reviews, and secondly, demand a certificate.The product may not kill the insects, but it will have a negative effect on your health. Allergy sufferers should be careful when using store-bought products. It is also impossible to predict how poisons will affect children and animals.

DIY sticky cockroach trap

It happens that you can no longer remove cockroaches using the usual means. They stop working or expire. If desperate attempts to fight cockroaches with poison and chemicals do not lead to the expected result, it is worth trying traps using improvised means.
Stores sell various devices, but you can make a sticky trap yourself. To do this, you will need adhesive tape, preferably double-sided, as it has stronger adhesiveness, and regular tape retains its adhesive properties for up to 2 days.
How to get rid of cockroaches using a trap using improvised means

We cut several 10-15 cm plates and place them on the surface with the adhesive side up, securing them with small pieces of tape on both sides. It is better not to use the back side of double-sided tape, since it will be difficult to peel it off later. furniture. It is important to find places and stick tape where the pests are most numerous: near cracks, on the table, kitchen cabinets, in drawers and cabinets.
Place bait, something edible, on the sticky side of the tape to attract cockroaches with the smell.
How to get rid of cockroaches using a trap using improvised means

The advantage of a sticky trap is that it can be placed anywhere: near food, on the table, while gels, aerosols and other insecticidal products are inconvenient to use in food storage areas, since they have a toxic effect and can accidentally get on food , and traces of drugs can ruin kitchen furniture.
How to get rid of cockroaches using a trap using improvised means
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