How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

A wasp nest near a house poses a real danger to people and pets. The wasps zealously protect it and are ready to attack anyone who approaches the nest. Their bites are quite painful and often cause an allergic reaction. They can carry pathogens of intestinal infections, destroy fruits, etc. Below is a way to remove wasps without exposing yourself, pets and beneficial insects to danger.
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

Will need

The idea is based on the use of a simple but effective trap that anyone can easily make using readily available and harmless materials, substances and tools:
  • an empty plastic bottle with a volume of at least two liters;
  • wine, preferably red;
  • a bottle of pure or sparkling water;
  • a little dishwashing liquid;
  • kitchen knife or household scissors.

How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

The process of making and using a wasp trap

Even a schoolchild can make the planned trap.
1. Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the top of the plastic bottle in a circle at the point where it begins to turn into a cylindrical shape (about 1/3 of the container in height).
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

2.Pour red wine into the larger part of the bottle to about 15 mm from the bottom and add two or three more drops of dishwashing liquid to enhance the smell of the bait.
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

3. Turn the neck 180 degrees and insert it into the base of the larger part of the bottle at the top. It will serve as a funnel through which the wasps will penetrate into the bottle, but will no longer be able to get out of it. Before inserting the neck into the bottle, remove the cap from it and fix it to the base using transparent tape.
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

4. We place the finished trap near wasp nests and observe how it works. If the result does not suit us, then the homemade device must be moved to another place until the effect appears in the form of wasp individuals regularly falling into the trap.
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

5. As the trap is filled with dead wasps, they must be removed from there, the device must be washed, disinfected and, after refilling, placed in those places where wasps appear. The bodies of dead insects should be disposed of, for example, buried in the ground, otherwise their smell will attract more and more wasps from the area closest to the house.
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

6. The fight against a wasp nest can be considered completed when the queen wasp is discovered and destroyed, which is larger in size compared to other wasps.
How to make an effective wasp trap from a plastic bottle

On a note

Honey should not be used as bait, as it will attract bees rather than wasps. The “diet” in the trap depends on the season. In spring and early summer, wasps are better attracted to leftover meat products diluted with water, and at the end of summer and autumn - everything sweet (sugar syrup with lemon juice, crushed fruits and berries, etc.).

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Comments (8)
  1. Igor
    #1 Igor Guests 1 June 2019 17:34
    As the trap fills with dead wasps, they must be removed from there, the device must be washed, disinfected and, having been refilled, placed in those places where wasps appear... Isn’t it easier to just fill a new bottle?
  2. Julia
    #2 Julia Guests 4 June 2019 15:26
    You exterminate wasps and bees, and then you will be surprised that there is no one to pollinate the trees. there are many ways to scare them away without resorting to killing (lemon with cloves, coffee, etc.)
    1. Fedor
      #3 Fedor Guests 6 June 2019 14:10
      Wasps don’t really pollinate anything unless they’re really hungry and then, due to their structure, they don’t tolerate pollen very well. The author reasonably wrote about meat in their diet! Most likely they will eat other insects (read garden pests), but these are more likely ground wasps. Berries spoil: strawberries, raspberries, apples. But a nest the size of a football in the attic of a house or in a garden, in the ground is a real problem, and what a problem. Especially if there are small children in the house.
      So, 5 points to the author, we’ll try, otherwise normal chemistry for wasps is too expensive.
      Maybe you know something from garden ants?
  3. Guest Artem
    #4 Guest Artem Guests 12 June 2019 10:50
    I read a long time ago on a well-known automotive resource about the use of WD-40 against wasps, and I was in an ironic mood until the need arose to urgently drive out the wasps in the process of them filling up a nest on the balcony in a crack sealed with polyurethane foam. I sprayed it just a little bit and discovered that the wasps were afraid to fly up to this place. True, they started picking nearby)) I splashed it all over the foam - the wasps flew away. After that, I drove away the wasps several more times. Surprisingly, it helps.
  4. Ponomarev Yuri
    #5 Ponomarev Yuri Guests 4 August 2019 12:49
    So what to do with wine!?
  5. Vadim.
    #6 Vadim. Guests 12 April 2020 17:35
    “The bodies of dead insects should be disposed of, for example, buried in the ground, otherwise their smell will attract more wasps from the area closest to the house.” Maybe try to make another type of trap - with dead insects instead of wine?...And another suggestion: above the wine level, - on the walls of the eggplant, make multiple holes with an awl - in order to increase the effectiveness of the smell.
  6. Guest Alexander
    #7 Guest Alexander Guests 28 November 2021 18:29
    And don’t you feel sorry for destroying so many wasps? Horror ! You just need to know how to behave in your area with these beneficial beauties. These are not mosquitoes. They sat on my neck, hair of my head and once on my nose - sat for 2-3 seconds. and flew away. It is necessary to teach people how to behave when they encounter wasps (also stray dogs). We must be afraid of...People!
  7. Guest Alexander
    #8 Guest Alexander Guests 28 November 2021 18:32
    Wasps eat small pests and pollinate! flowers . Watch with interest.