6 proven ways to preserve garlic throughout the winter in your apartment

You want to keep garlic grown with love in your dacha or garden plot fresh for as long as possible, preferably until next summer. This is possible in specialized vegetable storage facilities. In such premises, the harvest is preserved using a cold method at a temperature of +1 to +3°C, humidity from 70 to 75% and an excellent ventilation system. The same conditions can be created in the cellar or underground.

What should gardeners do who do not have the opportunity to store their crops in a vegetable store? There is also a warm method of saving crops, which is suitable for apartments. If you follow the recommendations from experienced owners, you will be able to enjoy your own grown heads until next spring.

What is the best garlic to store at home?

Only healthy garlic is used for long-term preservation. Each head is pre-dried and manually cleaned of dust, dirt, sand, exfoliated outer husk, the color of which must correspond to the varietal characteristics.It is also better to remove thick beard from the roots, since it contains a large amount of sand and earth.

The optimal height of the stump left after trimming the dried central stem is from 2 to 4 cm. Bulbs of approximately the same size are selected for planting; their outer shell should be solid. The presence of mechanical damage, stains, dents, or plaque on such garlic is unacceptable.

How to choose the right place to store your garlic crop?

Garlic retains its freshness for as long as possible, does not germinate or rot, in a dark, cool, well-ventilated room at a temperature of 14 to 16. When choosing a place to store root vegetables in the house, stop in those places where the air temperature is constant. The vegetable is best preserved in a dry basement or underground.

Garlic can be stored on an open balcony during periods when the air temperature does not drop below +1°C. During light frosts (up to –2°C), root vegetables are insulated with an old blanket, burlap, fur coat or blanket. At low temperatures, vegetables are brought into the apartment. Garlic is stored on an insulated loggia all year round.

6 ways to store garlic in a city apartment or at home:

1. Special containers.

The simplest option is to use plastic perforated boxes designed for storing and transporting fruits. Garlic is placed in such a container in several layers.

2. Braids.

An ancient, time-tested option is braiding. Dry garlic stalks are intertwined and secured with twine. Such beautiful braids are hung from the ceiling in a barn or decorated with them on the walls of the kitchen. The heads are cut off individually, according to culinary needs.

3. Bunches.

Bundles are used as a type of braid.After drying, the heads are cut to stumps, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm. From 5 to 12 heads are tied into each bunch. They are hung, like braids, in the barn under the ceiling and on the walls or in secluded corners of the apartment (vestibule, canopy, storage room, etc.).

4. Nets or stockings.

Garlic is also stored hanging in small nets. Some housewives use nylon stockings and tights instead of nets, which can hold up to 25 bulbs. They are conveniently mounted on nails driven into the wall or on hooks attached to the ceiling.

5. Glass containers.

It is very convenient to store garlic in three-liter jars. Glass containers are pre-disinfected and dried. After filling the jar with heads, it is covered with gauze or a wide bandage folded 4-6 times. Secure the improvised “breathable” lid with a thin elastic band (for money).

6. Glass containers using ash.

This method is a variation of the previous one. When placing the heads in dry three-liter jars, each layer is sprinkled with sifted ash. The bottom of the container is also covered with a centimeter layer of ash remaining after burning organic residues. Ash, which has hygroscopic and antiseptic properties, not only effectively absorbs excess moisture, but also prevents the spread of fungal spores and dangerous bacteria that cause rotting of the bulbs.

Choose a method for storing garlic depending on the conditions of your home and the number of bulbs collected. Easy work for you in the garden!

I grow garlic the size of my fist, it grows on its own, diseases do not attack it, I share a secret - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6729-vyraschivaju-chesnok-s-kulak-deljus-sekretom.html
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