5 ways to store onions for weeks, months or 1 year in an apartment

Onions collected at the end of summer or beginning of autumn can be stored until next autumn if suitable conditions are created for them. There are many methods to prevent its deterioration for a long time. Let's look at how to preserve it for a couple of weeks, months or a year.

Preserving onions until next year

This method is not entirely suitable for storing in an apartment, but it will preserve the onion harvest for as long as possible. The first step is to prepare the bulbs. Only dry, not soft or damaged ones are suitable for storage. They should be placed in wicker baskets, mesh bags or paper bags, but not plastic bags.

Then they are placed in a dark place with good air circulation and a temperature of 4-10 ° C. Depending on the variety, in such conditions, onions can last 3-12 months without rotting. Just keep in mind that it cannot be stored next to potatoes.

How to store onion halves

If you plan to only use half of the onion, then do not peel it, but cut it in half. The extra half should remain in the husk.It should be placed in a bag, the air should be expelled from it and closed. It can stay in the refrigerator without spoiling for up to 2 weeks.

Storing chopped onions

Excess chopped onions can be placed in a container with a lid and refrigerated. He can stay there for up to 1 week. This should be enough time to use it up.

Freezing onions

The onion can be chopped and placed in bags. These bags are sealed and frozen. Chopped onions can last in the freezer for up to 6 months. It is suitable for stir frying or soup. It is better not to use it for salads, as after defrosting it becomes soft.

Storing onions in the apartment

Whole bulbs must be stored at a temperature of 4-10 ° C, which is impossible in apartment conditions. In this case, you can extend their preservation by wrapping them in paper napkins.

Then the bundles of bulbs are placed in a cloth bag or paper bag.

This way they can last 1-2 months without spoiling, even if it’s hot in your apartment.

Watch the video

4 ways to store garlic for a very long time at home without a cellar - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/8046-4-sposoba-kak-hranit-chesnok-ochen-dolgo-doma-bez-pogreba.html
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