How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

Quite often, both beginners and experienced gardeners allow the soil for seedlings to become waterlogged, which can damage delicate plants. An excess of moisture prevents them from fully absorbing nutrition from the soil, slows down development and growth, and leads to withering and even death of seedlings.

In addition, waterlogged soil along with coolness (for example, if you grow bowls on a windowsill) causes “black leg” in seedlings, thinning of the stems, wilting of leaves, falling and mass death.

How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

But if you use a completely accessible substance, sprinkling it on bowls or pots with seedlings after picking, then it will absorb excess moisture and the soil will not have such a detrimental effect on the plants.

How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

We are talking about ordinary activated carbon, and it doesn’t matter whether it is fresh or expired, it will still perform its function flawlessly, because it is an excellent absorber - a moisture absorber due to its porosity.

Powdered charcoal is more practical, but it is also suitable in tablets, which can be crushed with some hard object - a rolling pin, a spoon or a meat hammer.

How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon
How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

Activated carbon not only removes excess moisture from the soil, but also protects it and plants from the appearance of rot and various fungi. To do this, simply scatter the coal powder in a thin layer over the surface of the soil. Consumption in this case is no more than four tablets per 16 seedling bushes.

How to grow strong and healthy seedlings using regular activated carbon

If the fungus has already started and a “black leg” has appeared, then you should remove the damaged seedlings, since it will no longer be possible to cure it, remove the top layer of soil with a spoon or fork and sprinkle activated crushed carbon on top.

After this, you can grow new seedlings by reducing the intensity or frequency of watering, and then they will grow and develop normally.

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