A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings, which immediately leads to growth

A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow
To speed up the development of tomato seedlings, you need to stimulate them with special feeding. This is a completely natural organic composition that can be prepared at home. This fertilizer works very well on tomatoes and does not oversaturate the soil, even if you pour a lot of it.

What you will need:

  • warm water – 3 l;
  • pressed baker's yeast – 10 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow

The process of preparing and using fertilizer

You need to dissolve 10 grams in 0.5 liters of warm water. pressed yeast and add 1 tbsp. Sahara. Everything is mixed and left for 2 hours. During this time, the yeast is activated and begins to eat sugar.
A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow
A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow
A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow
Next, you need to mix the concentrate with another 2.5 liters of heated water.
A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow
After this, this solution is used to water the seedlings. Yeast activates microorganisms in the soil, causing them to process organic matter faster, and this also increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the soil. All this allows plant roots to quickly absorb micro and macroelements, which is accompanied by active growth.
A cheap fertilizer for tomato seedlings that will immediately start to grow
Feeding is done 2 times.The first is performed before picking the seedlings, when the second pair of leaves appears on it. The bed is usually watered first with water, then 1 tbsp is poured under each sprout. solution. You can also pour 5 ml of fertilizer under the plant with a syringe. The second treatment is done 7 days after picking the seedlings. This stimulant is not stored for long. It is used immediately after preparation.
Free fertilizer that will increase the yield and sugar content of tomatoes and other vegetables - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6298-besplatnoe-udobrenie-kotoroe-povysit-urozhaj-i-saharistost-tomatov-i-drugih-ovoschej.html

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