Don't throw away the soap shards, they'll still serve you well.

Are there large pieces of used soap left or fragrant remnants with your favorite scent?
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

From them you can cook a new full-fledged piece of this popular detergent from time immemorial. Homemade soap making will appeal to those who like to try their hand at a new craft and to mothers who want to spend useful leisure time with their children. It will also help out during temporary financial difficulties or at the dacha if there is no store nearby.


  • Soap - pieces of any color and size.
  • Water at the rate of 40-50 ml per 100 g of soap.
  • Dishes for a water bath.
  • Silicone molds.
  • A drop of vegetable oil.

Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.


Step 1. Grind. Grind the soap pieces you have accumulated in a convenient way. So, large ones can be grated, and the smallest and thinnest ones can be cut with a knife or crushed with a masher.
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Step 2. Soak. Pour soap shavings into a container, add hot water and leave for 30 minutes to swell.
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Step 3. Boil. Place the container with soap shavings softened in water in a water bath. Cook, stirring, until smooth.Large broken pieces may not completely dissolve, but if you had multi-colored remnants, they may even look funny, like cheerful confetti.
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Advice. If you want to brew scrub soap, cream soap or cosmetic soap, add the ingredients (cream, honey, essential oils, crushed bran) after cooking, just before pouring into molds.
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Step 4. Form. To obtain a single piece of soap, the resulting mass must be poured into a mold. This can be a children's plastic mold for playing with sand, an ordinary soap dish, or, which is very convenient, a silicone mold for a cupcake. Pre-lubricate the container with a drop of vegetable oil.
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Step 5. Dry. After half an hour, the mass will cool down and “set.” Now you can carefully remove it from the mold. But the resulting bar of soap is still too soft and contains a lot of moisture, so if you start using it right away, it will quickly become limp. It is recommended to let the soap dry for several days. After 3-4 days, the piece will become hard, dry and slightly smaller in size - the soap is ready for use.
Don't throw away the soap shards; they'll still serve you well.

Advice. From a practical point of view, it is better to boil a large amount of soap at once, since in this case it is more convenient to find a suitable and stable container for the water bath.
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