Ice candlestick

In winter, when frost sets in, my children and I make multi-colored round toys from ice. We take balloons, preferably denser ones, and pour water into them. We insert a rope into the middle so that it looks out of the spout and is in the water, tie a ball and take these blanks out into the cold. In the morning we cut the rubber base and get a beautiful transparent ice ball. If you add paint (gouache or watercolor) to the water, the balls come out multi-colored. We decorate the trees that grow in our garden with these ice toys. It turns out unusual and fabulous. And for the New Year, you can decorate a Christmas tree that is located on the street using this method. Only such decorations hang in sub-zero temperatures. This year we went further and decorated the veranda of a country house with ice candlesticks. They are easy to make and really serve as an original decoration.
For work, prepare the following components:
- one large container and a second smaller one (in the photo this is a dessert package and a small glass);
- vegetable decor (slices of oranges, lemons, pine branches);
- a candle-tablet (plus a lighter or matches);
- water.

Ice candlestick

First you need to decide on the shape of the candlestick.If you want to get a round stand, then take a container of the appropriate shape. For example, sour cream packaging, the bottom of a plastic bottle, an ice cream bucket. The main condition is that this container is soft, since it will have to be cut later. The second container (smaller) should be the same shape as the base. If you prefer square or rectangular candlesticks, then take Tetra Pak for juice or milk (large base) and the same smaller shape (for cream). Now about the decorative filling. These can be all kinds of plant components: dried flowers, twigs with berries, pine needles, pieces of fruit or textured vegetables, stems of indoor plants... In a word, whatever your heart desires. Let's get to work! Take a large container and fill it with your chosen decor. You can put a slice of lemon on the bottom.

Ice candlestick

Place pine branches on top.

Ice candlestick

Carefully place slices of oranges or other citrus fruits on the sides.

Ice candlestick

Ice candlestick

Place a smaller container on top, press down a little so that it does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the first base.

Ice candlestick

Pour water into a large container, just make sure that the liquid does not displace the filling and does not overflow beyond the boundaries of the small container. You can put a press on top or cover with a lid.

Ice candlestick

Place the workpiece in the freezer. You need to keep it there for about a day. This is what happens after freezing.

Ice candlestick

Remove the large and small containers. Appreciate the beauty of the candlestick.

Ice candlestick

Ice candlestick

All that remains is to place a tablet-shaped candle in the center, light it and enjoy the charm and aroma of an ice candlestick. You can make several of these blanks and place them on the balcony of your apartment or the veranda of your country house.Original, simple and exciting. Your guests will not immediately be able to guess what these decorative decorations are made of.
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