Christmas tree ball

For many, it’s easier to go to a store or market, choose identical Chinese balls and hang them on a tree that already has 20 of the same ones. But creative needlewomen prefer to make Christmas tree toys with their own hands. And today you will learn how to make original balls from a plastic bottle.
For work, prepare the following components:
- plastic bottle 1.5 l;
- scissors;
- double sided tape;
- a tube of PVA glue;
- sequins of different sizes and shapes;
- braid.
First, cut off the middle part of the bottle. It is important to choose a container that does not have reliefs or bends.
Christmas tree ball

Cut this piece of plastic into thinner rings. The width of each is approximately 1 cm. For one ball you need 4 blanks.
Christmas tree ball

Connect the rings into a ball. To do this, you need to thread them one into the other, having previously applied double-sided tape on the bottom and top.
You can also use durable glue to join workpieces together.
Christmas tree ball

After this you need to decorate the edges of the rings. Apply dots of PVA glue and apply sequins. You can use golden square ones, silver round ones look beautiful.
If you wish, buy strings of multi-colored plastic beads and glue them with permanent glue or hot nails.
Decorate the bottom and top of the ball with ribbons or braid.
The result is shiny, openwork and unusual balls for New Year's pine or spruce!
Christmas tree ball

If you take a 2 liter container, the ball will turn out to be large in diameter. When using 0.5 liter bottles, you will make small toys for an artificial tabletop tree.
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