Birds made from plastic bottles

If you live in a private house or have a summer house, then you have probably encountered the desire to transform your flowerbed or front garden. The easiest way is to go to the store and buy a nice little plaster figurine. Yes, she will decorate your yard, but such crafts Every second gardener has one. To add some zest to your garden plot, you can make a beautiful bird from ordinary plastic bottles. You will spend more effort and time, but the result is worth it.
First, collect plastic containers from all your neighbors and friends. Bottles of any color and size will do. The more you collect this material, the larger your craft will be.
The second stage is the production of feathers from plastic. On average, one bottle produces 3-4 feathers. They are easy to cut with regular scissors. Simply cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle, and cut the middle part into oblong oval pieces. To add texture, cut fringe along the edges. One bird requires feathers of different sizes.
You also need to prepare a stand - a strong wooden board.Bird feet and wings can be made from thin plastic pipes. The body and head are cut out of foam and wrapped with mounting mesh (or metal mesh). Self-tapping screws are needed to attach the feathers. Also prepare a can of polyurethane foam, spray paint and some corrugated pipe.
And now you will learn about the secrets of making some examples of work.
This bird has a bushy tail and its head is raised up. It is these characteristics that need to be conveyed when making crafts. Attach sections from a plastic pipe to the board - these will be the legs. Cut out the body and neck from polystyrene foam and connect them together with polyurethane foam. Attach a metal mesh in the shape of a circle to the back of the body and cut out wings from it. After this, begin to fix the oval oblong feathers with self-tapping screws. You need to move from bottom to top and from back to front, constantly overlapping the caps of the screws of the previous row. The beak is two plastic triangles, and the eyes are large black beads. Feathers are spray painted in green, red, yellow and white.
Birds made from plastic bottles

Birds made from plastic bottles

To make such a bird, it is better to use brown plastic bottles. The eagle owl's feathers are short but fluffy, so the edges of the plastic blanks need to be slightly scorched with a lighter. This will add texture to the craft.
The body and head must be cut out of foam plastic, placed on plastic tubes and mounted on a wooden stand. Then, moving from bottom to top, you need to secure the feathers with self-tapping screws. The eyes are made of white plastic, and the pupils are made of disposable spoons. The toes are cut from a thin corrugated hose.
You can paint the eagle owl with golden spray paint.
Birds made from plastic bottles

Birds made from plastic bottles

White (milk) and brown plastic bottles are suitable for making a stork.For the wings, the blanks should be with fringe, and for the body without it. For the neck you need to cut strips from bottles and make a fringe on one side.
Two long plastic tubes are secured to a stable board. A ten-liter canister is placed on them at an angle, with the neck up. Slightly curved pieces of thin pipe are attached to the sides, and a larger diameter pipe needs to be secured in the opening of the canister. The canister and sections of the wing are wrapped in metal mesh. Plastic oval blanks are gradually attached to them.
The stork's head is made from an old ball, and its beak is carved from a plastic bottle.
After making it, you only need to paint the head with white paint and draw the eyes, and cover the beak and legs with red paint. The stork turns out to be of impressive size.
Birds made from plastic bottles

Birds made from plastic bottles

Birds made from plastic bottles

This bird has long legs, a thin elongated neck and a large beak. Plastic bottles of any color are suitable for its manufacture. The body is a large canister, with legs attached at the bottom - long thin tubes. Fingers are pieces of corrugated hose. You need to make a neck from the same hose, threading it onto a strong wire to give the neck the necessary bends. The head is cut out of dense foam.
The craft should be painted soft pink, and the beak white and black. The bird's eyes are made of beads.
Birds made from plastic bottles

Birds made from plastic bottles

Birds made from plastic bottles

These are the original decorations for your summer cottage that you can make from waste material.
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Comments (1)
  1. Smi346
    #1 Smi346 Guests 22 August 2017 15:03
    Quite an original solution. At our dacha we have a homemade, decorative tree, and on it are hung tit birds, also made from plastic bottles. When it's windy outside, they "fly". It’s beautiful, elegant, and even drives away crows.