Modeling. Page 3

Master classes:

Earrings "Pumpkin"

Almost every girl believes that there is no such thing as too much jewelry. And not a single girl will be able to resist original and unique earrings. For the summer, you can make beautiful and bright “Pumpkin” earrings for yourself, which can decorate your summer

Flowers for decoration made of polymer clay

Gone are the days when there was only plasticine and ordinary clay! Now there is such a variety of materials for creativity that your head is spinning with what else to do. Polymer clay is a godsend for creative people. It's very nice on

Buttercup earrings

To create bright and attractive buttercup earrings we will need: three colors of polymer clay, baked glue or transparent gel, a base for earrings with an English lock and a cabochon platform, rubber surgical gloves,

Earrings “Cakes with cream roses”

Materials we will need: • Polymer clay of chocolate cream, green and raspberry colors • Brown acrylic paint • Pins 2 pcs • Screw-in pins 2 pcs • Earrings 2 pcs • Pink crystal beads

Decoration of wedding glasses with plastic roses

Good afternoon, dear readers. In today's master class, I will tell you how to use plastic and accessories to decorate glasses that are suitable for any special event, including a wedding. From small pieces of plastic you need

Decoration of wedding glasses

Glasses for the bride and groom are a special attribute of the wedding table. The newlyweds are the center of attention throughout the event, so everything that surrounds the couple should be beautiful and memorable. Decoration of wedding glasses has become

Plasticine painting

Probably everyone watched the domestic plasticine cartoon. Agree, very beautiful and unusual. I suggest you do something similar, namely a picture from plasticine. Of course it sounds strange, but don’t worry, everything is beautiful and

Rainbow caterpillar made of plasticine

In this master class, we will sculpt a seemingly ordinary caterpillar from plasticine balls, which even the smallest child can handle, but due to the smooth transition of colors and a couple of small details, the craft will turn out to be extraordinary. Let's get started

Angry Birds made from salt dough

Angry Birds have actively entered our lives. You won't find them anywhere.But what could be better than something made with your own hands? Today we will try to make two pendants on a satin ribbon with Angry Birds. This is what it will all look like in the end

Salt dough valentines

Everyone is pleased to receive congratulations, gifts and, of course, valentines on Valentine's Day! Now you can see a wide variety of valentines. Whatever these congratulatory hearts are made of: paper, cardboard, wood, glass...

Heart magnet

Valentine's Day is a wonderful and bright day for all lovers. According to tradition, on this day lovers should give each other valentines and all sorts of trinkets in the shape of hearts. But made with your own hands, it becomes even sweeter and more expensive. Try to do

Bunny earrings made of polymer clay

Increasingly, modern girls, instead of expensive and elaborate jewelry made of precious metals, prefer to wear jewelry made from such a seemingly unattractive material as polymer clay. What is the secret of plastic surgery? In fact, everything is very simple

Original earrings

Polymer clay is one of those materials that is easy and pleasant to work with, without any special skills or tools. The plastic has a pleasant pliable structure that allows you to create real masterpieces,

Eyes for dolls

Everyone, literally everyone, sculpted from plasticine in childhood. Modeling is included in the preschool development program for citizens.Some did better, some did worse. Some are already old, but they enjoy passing the time by modeling various figures. One problem

Clay horse

Recently, many people have subordinated their lives to the Chinese calendar. And according to it, January 31 marks the year of the horse. The blue horse is a talisman and is supposed to bring good luck all year round. Especially if it is made by yourself.

Let's make a cute monkey

Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world, and not so long ago this touching and kind holiday took root here too. Valentine's Day implies tender confessions and, of course, gifts. It is not customary to buy a gift, although it is not forbidden, so

Frame made of polymer clay with food weight measures

A woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen if she prefers healthy food, loves to please her loved ones with delicious dishes, and enjoys the process. A conveniently organized workplace should not only be in the office. Homework

Polymer clay earrings

Do you remember how you once learned to sculpt from plasticine as a child? There are so many interesting ideas, but all of them, as a rule, ended in dirty hands and unfulfilled expectations. Today there is an excellent alternative to all of these

How to get a special decoration?

Namely, decoration made of polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic (thermoplastic). This material is quite easy to use: it resembles plasticine.Sometimes it is called “adult plasticine.” And rightly so, because this material is completely

Fridge magnet

It has long been known that there is no better gift than a gift made with your own hands. By creating a souvenir ourselves, we put our heart, soul, and warmth into it. And if the gift is made from the heart, then this positive energy will definitely be transferred

Box “Fairytale Fish”

Coconut is a suitable material for various crafts. It produces a lot of interesting and utilitarian products: boxes, maracas, handbags, candlesticks and bowls, ethnic musical instruments. This master class will help you make

Salt dough wall panel for Valentine's Day

Immediately after the New Year's souvenirs, it was the turn of the “Valentines”, this time they were made in the form of wall panels and pendants. We make them from salt dough according to the traditional recipe, adding only a little starch in order to make it easier to work with.

New Year's garland made of salt dough

When there is very little left until the New Year, I want to bring this joyful moment a little closer. If you don’t bring the New Year closer, you can at least create a festive mood by decorating your home. And if you make the decoration yourself, you can also

Photo frame made from salt dough Lightning McQueen

In order to make a frame from salt dough, we will deviate from traditional manufacturing and for greater granularity we will use not fine salt, but rock salt.We'll make the dough ourselves. For this we need: 1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 1