Let's make a cute monkey

Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world, and not so long ago this touching and kind holiday took root here too. Valentine's Day implies tender confessions and naturally present. It is not customary to buy a gift, although it is not forbidden, especially if it is jewelry. A gift with a hint or a gift that directly speaks of a great feeling is usually made with your own hands as a sign that this person is especially dear to you and your love cannot be measured in money.
We offer you an idea for such a gift: “Bracelet with a monkey in love.”

• polymer clay
• the most common plastic bracelet
• varnish (also suitable for furniture)
• rhinestones
• paperclip and toothpick

1. Modeling a monkey.
The monkey should be sculpted in stages and in parts, the body separately, the head separately. It is more convenient to connect them using a toothpick. If this is not done, due to its gravity, the head risks breaking off. While the clay has not hardened, do not forget to pierce the tip of the tail with a needle, and make indentations in the heart for rhinestones and attach a loop. We made it from a paper clip, you can use a safety pin.

Modeling a monkey

Modeling a monkey

Modeling a monkey

Modeling a monkey

Important! Polymer clay tends to dry out a little, keep this in mind when choosing the size of the parts.

2. Bracelet.
You will have to tinker with the bracelet. Clay applied to the base in a thin layer will crack after drying; the cracks will need to be covered with rolled thin flagella. This way the bracelet will acquire texture, and playing with shades of green will make the vines even more like real ones. After the third or fourth restoration has hardened, the bracelet can be varnished.



3. Varnishing.
We varnish all the polymer clay parts. Don't forget to varnish the heart too. While the varnish is still wet, glue the rhinestones onto it.






4. Assembly.
You can attach the monkey to the bracelet using superglue, applying it little by little to all the legs and pressing it to the product. You can also use softened clay, the principle is the same, but it will take more time. We hang the heart. Instead, you can hang a ring or pendant from the monkey's tail.





Now the bracelet is ready, you can safely give it as a gift. Even if your lady prefers classic jewelry, a “tailed admirer” can be a fun souvenir.

Cute monkey bracelet
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