Frame made of polymer clay with food weight measures

A woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen if she prefers healthy food, loves to please her loved ones with delicious dishes, and enjoys the process. A conveniently organized workplace should not only be in the office. Housework also requires a certain order and it is much more convenient to bake pies if everything is at hand. In our time of dominance of semi-finished products, we cook at home less and less, forgetting what home-baked goods smell like. For those who are not lazy to stand at the stove, a cheat sheet in the form of a frame, which you can make with your own hands from polymer clay, will be useful.

For work we need:
-polymer clay of several colors.
- printed table of measurements of products in laminate.
-glue gun.

First of all, you need to pack the data plate in the laminate.

pack a sign in laminate

Then we proceed to design the frame. We make flagella of one or two colors from polymer clay and arrange them in a chaotic manner, intertwining them with each other. We spread it around the perimeter of the sheet and place it on the sheet for temperature treatment.
Next, we proceed to the manufacture of various small items.Fruits, a bag of salt, in general, everything that your imagination can realize. Place on the tile and bake according to the instructions that come with the polymer clay.

Making a frame from polymer clay

temperature treatment field

After the product has hardened and cooled, use a glue gun to attach the frame to the sheet with information on weight measures.
The next stage is placing the prepared fruits on the surface of the frame, securing them with the same glue gun.

glue the frame

If you attach two magnets to the back, our cheat sheet will be conveniently fixed on any metal surface. They can be glued with the same gun, and the magnets can be borrowed from tired or damaged refrigerator magnets.

frame with magnets

magnetizes to the refrigerator

The frame will not only be useful, but will also delight you with bright colors.
This is also a great opportunity to get creative with children. Fine motor skills are especially useful for children and older people. It has been proven that working with fingers and hands affects the mental development of children, and prevents old age from creeping up unnoticed on older people. So working with your grandmother is both pleasant and useful for both.

polymer clay figures

will delight you with bright colors

Such work does not require any special artistic skills, and you will spend the evening with your child together, once again tearing him away from the computer that is addicting him online.
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