Shining ball made of colored paper

Decorations for a festive evening are not always available. Today there are many original and simple ways to make decorative elements yourself. We propose to create a shining magic ball from colored paper. Us

Advent wreath

A traditional symbol such as an Advent wreath will help create a festive mood and decorate your apartment on the eve of Christmas. It is usually made from fir branches and decorated with satin ribbon bows and candles, but you can create your own

Orange candle

You can make a real candle from half an orange. At the same time, no wax is needed in its production - ordinary vegetable oil is enough. Naturally, such a candle serves more as a decorative element, a decoration for any

Body deodorant

Today I will show and tell you how you can make an absolutely natural, environmentally friendly and suitable body deodorant with your own hands. About the harmful effects of industrial and store-bought deodorants on human health

Decorative and scented candles

Making candles with your own hands is fun and interesting. That's where there is room for imagination! The candle can be given not only an original shape, but also any scent and color. Shall we get started?

Coffee candle

For work we will need: candles, coffee beans, ground cinnamon, sunflower oil, ice, an old ladle, a toothpick, supermoment gel glue, tape, a lid, a container for pouring and melting the candle.

Wind generator with generator without magnetic sticking

Since there is no magnetic sticking, the propeller rotates happily from the slightest breeze, which you can’t even feel on the ground. When there is operating wind, it develops high speeds, I have a 2A ammeter with direct connection, so it often goes off scale by 12

Fighting flies (Velcro and all that)

There are many different types of flies in nature. However, the most common is the housefly. In rotting waste, in rotten vegetables, in garbage, the fly lays up to 100 eggs at a time, from which larvae emerge after a few hours. Through

Leather case for player

It turns out that making a stylish leather case for your player yourself is not so difficult. We will need: 1. A little leather, the thicker the better 2. Thick cardboard or plywood 4. An awl 5. A blunt metal object 6. Water 7. A sharp knife.